Frequently Asked Questions
Please find Just the Goods' complete terms and conditions here:
Just the Goods aims to make natural skin care as affordable as possible because I’m uncomfortable with the excessive profit margins associated with so-called luxury lifestyle products, and I want people to know they really do have a choice for healthier skin care.
Please find detailed information here:
Yes, it takes a little extra time to fill and label sample-sized skin care products*, but I make a point of selling them as an intentionally affordable format so folks can try various options before committing to full size products. Why? For the following reasons:
🌼 To help folks switching from petrochemicals to plant based products. For example, you might think you have dry skin only to discover your past products are responsible for the dehydration you’re trying to resolve. Rather than buying full-sized Just the Goods products for dry skin, the skin care product selection quiz I programmed for recommends trying samples of products for normal/sensitive skin, and *maybe* some for dry skin (depending on your responses to questions), to see which actually work best for you. And, did you know that other factors impact which product will suit you best, including the mineral content of the water you use, and/or the other products you include (or don't) as part of your routine? As another example, it's noted in my skin care product selection quiz results that following face wash with correctly applied toner generally gives better results than face wash alone. All in all, it can be quite challenging to know which items are best for you/your needs without trying a few samples first. As such, sampling first ultimately helps to avoid disappointment.
🌼 To encourage slow discovery rather than fast impulse buying; relatedly, to avoid a high-pressure sales situation. Buy what you need, if you need it, or don't. Not buying things is okay, too 😊
🌼 To avoid unnecessary waste of product, of packaging, of money, of time ... both yours, and mine. And, it's better for the environment when we all make careful choices. What can I possibly do with returned products other than pour unused portions into a garbage can, and containers into a recycling bin? An unfortunate waste, all in all, especially after the carbon spent on return shipping! Better to try a sample than to end up with a full bottle of an inappropriate product 😊
🌼 To turn away from unsustainable capitalist practices such as: "buy it, try it, don't like it, return it for free for a full refund!" Honestly, gimmicks like that only work when the product is overpriced and there is padding in each purchase to cover material and labour costs, shipping costs. In other words, you're paying for every "don't like it" every single time, including the "don't like its" of other people!
🌼 The product has been made available via exploited labour (i.e. Mega corporations with “no-questions-asked” return policies such as Amazon and Walmart are notorious for suppressing labour costs to maximize profits, while also factoring in that a certain number of sales of products -- often made by other mega corporations exploiting labour -- will invariably end as returns).
Related to this last point, Just the Goods' “try a sample first” policy is definitely one part of what makes Just the Goods affordable, and transparently so. One of these days -- when I can find a moment, well after moving into the new space -- I’ll sit down and write a more comprehensive text on all the approaches I’ve taken since 2009 to keep Just the Goods affordable, sustainably 😊 But, that is another post for another day 😉
See the original post here:
* Just the Goods also offers samples of most other products including hand/body lotion, body butter, perfume… everything that’s logical, anyway… bath salts and body scrubs not so much 😅 And, I don’t tend to do it for products that are already only 1 oz in size (i.e. beard oil, deep conditioning treatment for hair). But, samples are certainly available for all facial skin care items wherein it’s helpful to mix and match options to find your preferred set 👍🏼
I realize not all products by other makers sold at are available in sample sizes. Jack59 does, and it’s one of many, many reasons I chose to work with them! I currently carry samples of their most popular products at JTG, and will be adding more with my next restock. I’ve marked as final sale products that aren’t available in sample size (i.e. Attitude, Green Beaver Company, etc.) 😊
Just the Goods aims to make natural skin care as affordable as possible because I’m uncomfortable with the excessive profit margins associated with so-called luxury lifestyle products, and I want people to know they really do have a choice for healthier skin care... without sales, without coupons.
When I say I price Just the Goods at the absolute lowest price I can manage, what does this mean? To begin making this more tangible, I can explain that of any price you see on this website, 50% is automatically the cost of ingredients and packaging required for the item to exist.
The range of costs extracted from the other 50% of the price include:
- shipping ingredients and packaging to the lab (+ brokerage fees and import duty, where applicable) + time/labour procuring ingredients and packaging (whether assessing inventory and buying online, or going to stores to buy materials, which also involves transportation … mostly in the form of bus tickets since I don’t drive)
- research and development time/labour + the costs of ingredients that must be discarded when experimental batches fail
- production time/labour + set up and clean up time/labour associated with each batch
- capital and consumable equipment required for production ranging from mixers and graduated cylinders, to bottle filling syringes, to face masks and gloves, etc.
- order packing and shipping processing time/labour + shipping materials (paper bags, envelopes and boxes, tape, printer paper and toner)
- marketing costs (developing and maintaining a website and email account, business cards, advertising where applicable, the materials/labour of product donated as in-kind sponsorships/free samples where applicable + the time/labour in social media networking)
- physical space costs including all applicable utilities required for the lab to be a functional workspace, plus the cost of modifying the space as it arises (more shelving and/or order baskets, etc., to improve efficiency as required)
- financial costs (service charges to send and receive electronic payments, general banking fees + costs associated with bookkeeping and accounting)
- customer service time/labour (responding to inquiries, preparing for and attending events)
- wages and benefits for assistants
- business tax
Just the Goods functions on the basis of need not greed, so I pay myself what is left over, keeping in mind that I regularly re-invest in Just the Goods by making larger ingredient/material/equipment purchases on speculation to reduce import costs, or to take advantage of manufacturer discounts.
Having explained all of this, I fully realize I could charge a great deal more for my products — people are certainly happy to purchase at retail rates in bricks and mortar shops, and I’m so grateful for that! — but I have set prices at this website with accessibility in mind. This matters to me more than making the maximum possible profit from every item I make and sell 😊
Thanks so much for reading this! I hope it helps to clarify my motivations and methods.
- Milena
The original article at can be found here:
In a skipthe-insta-uber-prime world, it may seem unusual that Just the Goods products aren’t shipped the moment they’re ordered. Did you know this is because they're handmade to order? Yes! Fresh batches of facial, body, and hair care products are made every week! Sometimes there’s enough product at the end of a batch to fill a few orders the following week or two (i.e. body butter, or face masks) but overall approx 160 Just the Goods and petal, leaf, root. by Just the Goods products are made according to your selections at 😊
There are a few reasons for this. First, JTG products are made without artificial preservatives so, like fresh food, they are best enjoyed sooner rather than later. Some formulas can last as long as a year when stored correctly (i.e. the body butter and face masks mentioned above), but I still make a point of creating in small batches because I want you to receive the freshest items possible, not things that have been sitting on a warehouse shelf in anticipation of shipping by a fulfillment center. JTG’s amazing retailers likewise facilitate fresh products for you when you shop in-store by restocking often to ensure a recent selection of items on their shelves.
Next, making products to order is part of how JTG can offer such affordable public wholesale pricing --- raw materials are allocated based on formula demand, so there’s no need to inflate product prices only to discount older items when they’re approaching expiry. From a logistical perspective, this also keeps our supply of raw materials flowing toward needed items -- we don’t run out of things because we used them on items not ordered within a particular week.
Since we currently receive anywhere from 175 - 250 orders per week of variable sizes involving an unpredictable variety of choices from approx 160 products, it’s most logical to approach on-demand production (i.e. making one or several batches of a single product then filling it into the selected packaging material and size) on a weekly cycle.
What this means is that we’re currently making products for the orders submitted last week, and next week we’ll be making the products being ordered this week.
In the spirit of transparency that permeates Just the Goods’ very core, our current production and shipping schedule is always published at the top of every page of A more detailed schedule outlining production and shipping for the next several weeks, plus information about carrier and delivery standards, can be accessed by clicking the schedule text/website announcement bar. This info is updated weekly so there are never surprises about exactly where your order falls, even before your order is placed. JTG’s subscription service also eliminates the need to guess when your order may be made and shipped, because it can function without you even lifting a finger/mouse/stylus 😉
Thank you for choosing freshly handmade products prepared with care, often literally and precisely for *you*
Please find a copy of this article as it was posted on Instagram here:
Just the Goods products are handmade as they are ordered. As such, production, packing, and e-postage typically takes an average of 5 - 10 business days; however this can take longer in November/December/January, after a statutory holiday, or at any other time of year if there has been an unexpectedly high volume of orders for any reason.
Just the Goods' production schedule is always published at the top of every page of so you always know when your order is expected to ship. To view a more detailed version of JTG's current production and shipping schedule, please visit:
If you've already placed an order and would like to view its status, please click the "View Order Status" button in your order confirmation emai -- your tracking number will appear here, in addition to being sent by email (or text message, if requested)
Please note: We are unable to provide more precise information about specific orders within the production/shipping cycle due to the time it takes to locate an order -- in order words, we are asked this question several times a day and it's much faster for everyone if we focus on production and shipping 😊
Please note that Just the Goods' ship by dates are not expected delivery dates. Information about delivery standards for each of the regions Just the Goods serves can be found here: 😊
As per the terms and conditions section of this website, available via the link offered at the bottom of every page of this website:
"If Just the Goods has made a mistake with your order (i.e.incorrect items shipped), or if your order was damaged during shipping, please contact us within 3 days of receipt of merchandise to discuss an equitable solution.
Please note that opened and/or used products are not eligible for refund or exchange for reasons of hygiene.
For your convenience, Just the Goods offers inexpensive samples of almost all Just the Goods and petal, leaf, root. by Just the Goods items, so I encourage customers to try them before committing to full-sized products to proactively resolve any concern about suitability, etc. To learn more about Just the Goods' "sample first" policy, please visit:
Other products made my other makers and sold by Just the Goods on a retail basis are final sale.
In the very limited event that Just the Goods agrees to a return of items, please know that products must be returned to JTG in excellent, re-saleable condition within 10 business days from the time they were received -- carefully wrap and pack all returns to prevent damage during return shipping. Just the Goods is not Amazon, Sephora, etc., and products have not been priced to absorb the cost of shipping. Just the Goods therefore does not refund the cost of original shipping, and is not responsible for the cost of return shipping."
Further, on the topic of exchanges:
Just the Goods products are handmade to order and offered at public wholesale prices wherein the cost of shipping in either direction is not included. Shipping unwanted products back to me in Canada / across Canada also contributes to excess carbon, and since open products can not be re-sold, reused or recycled, I would only be throwing these items away once they have been returned. To avoid unnecessary enviromnental waste, I suggest sharing unwanted items with a friend who may find it suitable for their needs 🌼 Thank you
Hello! Thank you for your order and question!
Just the Goods products are handmade as they are ordered. As such, production, packing, and e-postage typically takes an average of 5 - 10 business days; however this can take longer in November/December/January, after a statutory holiday, or at any other time of year if there has been an unexpectedly high volume of orders for any reason.
Just the Goods' production schedule is always published at the top of every page of so you can know when your order is expected to ship. To view a more detailed version of JTG's current production and shipping schedule, please visit:
If you've already placed an order and would like to view its status, please click the "View Order Status" button in your order confirmation emai -- your tracking number will appear here, in addition to being sent by email (or text message, if requested)
Please note: We are unable to provide more precise information about specific orders within the production/shipping cycle due to the time it takes to locate an order -- in order words, we are asked this question several times a day and it's much faster for everyone if we focus on production and shipping 😊
Please note that Just the Goods' ship by dates are not expected delivery dates. Information about delivery standards for each of the regions Just the Goods serves can be found here: 😊
To access your subscription information, click on the personalized link prodvided in the automated email from Recharge that arrived when you established and confirmed your subscription, or when you’ve been notified that a subscription charge is forthcoming. That link will take you directly to your subscription
While reviewing your order in Recharge you’ll be able to access the following information*:
- the items to which you’re currently subscribed
- the frequency established for each of the items
- the date of your next subscription charge
When a subscription item is due to be charged, you’ll receive an email notification from Recharge so you may have an opportunity to make changes if needed (i.e. postpone, pause or cancel).
Once the subscription has been charged, it turns into an open order at
The date your subscription will be charged and turn into an order is the date you can use to estimate production and shipping. At the top of every page of, you’ll always find the current production/shipping schedule and, when you click that banner, you’ll find an extended schedule. This information is updated weekly (except during scheduled closures, ie. two weeks at the end of every calendar year). Here’s a link:
As per the schedule, production and shipping takes anywhere between 5 - 10 business days. All orders receive a tracking number when e-postage has been generated. Information about shipping standards for all geographical regions can be found here:
If your scheduled subscription charge date is too soon for your needs, or too far into the future, you can change the frequency of your subscription or temporarily pause it. If you need an item sooner but would like to retain your existing subscription, you’re welcome to place an additional order --- remember to select a one-time shipment / don't subscribe to the same product a second time since that will initiate a new additional subscription schedule for that item 😊
I hope this is helpful information!
(*The link will also allow you to review past subscription shipments, and perform administrative tasks such as update payment information and/or your shipping address)
Thanks for your order and for this question!
Depending on the amount of time between your first and additional orders, and whether or not your first order has already been packed for shipping, we *might* be able to combine multiple orders into a single parcel. Please send a message using the contact form to make this request, and we'll let you know if it will be possible.
Generally, the answer is yes, but there are occasionally circumstances where it's not possible, so that's why it's important to confirm with us first since we may not see your second order until well after the first one has already shipped.
If we are able to accommodate you, please know that we don't have access to your credit card information -- it's part of the security protocols that protect your online transactions -- so the best way to add to an order is to place a second order, which we'll combine manually in our bookkeeping and shipping software. Please note that our shipping system is weight based so we’ll manually refund excess shipping charges where applicable after e-postage for your order has been generated.
Please note that we can't change orders at once they've been placed so, when you receive the automated message from Just the Goods indicating your order has shipped, it will still look like two separate parcels, but there will be only one shared tracking number.
I hope this helps! Thanks again!
For complete information about JTG's shipping policies, including policy regarding the correct addressing of parcels, please visit:
To offer the lowest possible "public wholesale" product pricing, the cost of shipping is not factored into the price of each individually handmade item. Shipping rates are calculated in a transparent fashion by cubic weight according to the terms of each carrier.
For a more detailed discussion about shipping prices, including the pros -- and mostly cons -- of inflating product prices to create the illusion of free shipping, please feel welcome to check out this post on Instagram:
Just the Goods is comprised of two lines -- over 140+ are offered as "Just the Goods", handmade products are priced at public wholesale rates, which are 70 - 150% lower than retail. Since shipping is not hidden in the product cost, I charge the real cost of shipping via Canada Post, or USPS, depending on where you're located. For more information about how I price, please click here:
There are 9 products + samples in another line called "petal, leaf, root. by Just the Goods" -- this line is priced according to more standard retail/wholesale conventions, so from time to time coupons are offered for that line. More information about that line, and how it is priced, can be found here:
If you are based in the US, please note that JTG's default pricing is in Canadian Dollars, which convert to approximately 24% less than USD, ultimately translating into an automatic 24% discount. Shipping is based on weight -- the heavier an order, the more the shipping cost. However, since heavier orders usually involve multiple items, the shipping price per item reduces significantly. For example, the first shipping rate is $5.85 which covers one average item... shipping each item in your order individually would be $6.00 CAD + $6.00 + $6.00 + $6.00 etc -- combined shipping, even as many 20 items can cost as little as $15.00 CAD, depending on weight.
Also important to note with respect to parcels destined to the US: I'm in Canada but ship to the US using USPS domestic mail by contracting the services of an international brokerage agent and a cross-border courier. Those costs I absorb myself. The advantage for clients, of course, it that they get cheaper domestic mail rates, faster service with tracking, and don't have to pay duty on products crossing the border. Alternatively, shipping to the US with tracking starts at $22.00 CAD.
If you are shipping within Canada, sadly, due to the massive size of our country and the cost of fuel, shipping is higher depending on our distance (i.e. British Columbia and Newfoundland are priced at the highest rates relative to Manitoba), but also depending in your distance relative to the nearest sorting centre in your area. Shipping rates are calculated automatically by Canada Post using their authorized app. Canada Posts raises prices each year, typically in January. Beyond this, it is important to know that any parcel over 2 cm thick must travel as a parcel since Canada Post does not offer a light packet option, much to the frustration of many since that is available from USPS as well as other carriers worldwide. This is sadly a constant problem for all small-scale producers and shippers in Canada. Did you know it costs over $12.00 to ship a single lip balm within my own city of WInnipeg, and over $18.00 to ship one single lip balm to Toronto? Wow...
Just the Goods products are sold at public wholesale rates, so they are not inflated to create the illusion of cheap or free shipping. As such, parcel rates are calculated according to weight: the heavier an order, and the further it must travel, the more fossil fuels must be consumed in transportation accounting for a higher shipping price.
With that being said, Canadians sadly pay some of the highest rates in the world for things like telecommunications and internet service, and shipping rates. It costs over $12.00 CAD to mail one single lip balm within my own city of Winnipeg because it is over 2 cm thick. It costs as much as $15.00 - $18.00 to ship to major cities in other parts of Canada, or approximately $20 to ship to isolated rural areas in Canada.
Furthermore, Just the Goods' default international rates include door-to-door tracking and insurance. In the past I allowed people to purchase air mail rates that were less expensive, but they didn't read the shipping policy published on my page, and would get angry that there was no tracking, or insurance with those lower priced options. And, over time, I'm afraid an increasing number of parcels were "lost" and, without insurance, I was forced to provide compensation. I can no longer take personal responsiblity for missing or damaged parcels.
If you would like to access a lower international shipping rate, I recommend trying a re-shipping service such as BorderLinx or Planet Express as linked in the section above. I recommend you conduct research from your own location to find out which is most favoured in your region
More about shipping by weight:
Ultimately, shipping rates are calculated according to the weight of an orders, not the value of an order, which means that heavier orders cost more to ship than lighter ones. And, again, since I don't increase my product prices to hide the true cost of shipping via the carriers mentioned above, there isn't a way to create the illusion of lower priced shipping.
Over the past 14 years of operation, I've worked as hard as possible to make shipping as transparent and as affordable as possible. My best tip is to combine multiple items into a single parcel to reduce the per item shipping price. Even better, order with friends to divide the cost of shipping between multiple people 😊
Further Information:
Further details can be found here:
Clients within Winnipeg have a wide number of options available to them!
Retail: Please click here to find a list of Just the Goods' retail partners and the selection of products the carry:
Pick up: Orders can be picked up a Organic Planet (877 Westminster Avenue, Wolseley) beginning on the date indicated at checkout. The pick up date is updated weekly and reflects the amount of time it takes for your order to be made then transported to OP as part of a batch. The $4.00 charge for pick up at Organic Planet subsidizes the cost of Ghost Rider Messenger (bike courier) taking parcels to Organic Planet, and $2.00 per parcel is given to Organic Planet as an honorarium for safekeeping parcels for up to four weeks after they have been delivered for pick up. Please pick up your parcel within four weeks as any items left longer are considered abandoned and there is no guarantee they will still be there.
Shipping: Parcels shipped by Canada Post depart on Fridays, but sometimes earlier. All orders shipped by Canada Post include complete tracking information.
Please ntoe: UPS may be selected at check out, but please note that choosing UPS as a shipping method does not move orders faster through production and packing/e-postage. Please also note that UPS - like other couriers - has suspended guaranteed delivery dates except for the highest priced shipping levels (i.e. overnight, etc), which doesn't really apply within Winnipeg. It is faster and cheaper to choose GoodLocal Express Delivery or Canada Post.
With respect to shipping...
To offer the lowest possible "public wholesale" product pricing, the cost of shipping is not factored into the price of each individually handmade item. Shipping rates are calculated in a transparent fashion by cubic weight according to the terms of each carrier.
Please note: Clients are responsible for providing correct shipping information at checkout. Please double check that your address is correct before submitting your order. Just the Goods can help you make changes to your shipping address before your order has shipped, but can not make any changes to your address after your order has been shipped. Thank you.
Yes! If you live in Winnipeg, or if you're visiting Winnipeg, you are most welcome to order from and arrange to pick up your selections at Organic Planet (877 Westminster Avenue in the Wolseley neighbourhood) beginning on the date indicated at checkout.
The pick up date is updated each week and reflects the amount of time it takes for your order to be handmade then transported to Organic Planet as part of a weekly batch.
The $4.00 charge for pick up at Organic Planet subsidizes the cost of Ghost Rider Messenger transporting parcels to Organic Planet by bicycle, and $2.00 per order is given to Organic Planet as an honorarium for safekeeping parcels for up to four weeks after they have been delivered for pick up.
Organic Planet is open 7 days per week (including some but not all statutory holidays); please see their up-to-date hours presented here:
Please remember to pick up your parcel within four weeks after the date indicated at checkout as parcels left longer will be considered abandoned and there is no guarantee they will still be there after four weeks. Thank you!
Clients living in Manitoba: To choose pick up at Organic Planet, simply place an order as you would under any normal circumstances, then select "pick up at organic planet" as your shipping option. You don't need to enter Organic Planet's address as your ship-to location or add any other notes -- we are familiar with this "shipping" option and will not attempt to ship your pick up order via Canada Post or UPS.
Clients visiting Manitoba: If you would like to pick up an order while visiting Winnipeg, please place an order at no less than two weeks before your anticipated arrival time. To enable the pick up option, please ensure you've entered an address in Manitoba as your shipping address because pick up will only appear as an option if it looks like an order is being placed from within Manitoba. You may use Organic Planet's address as your "shipping" address for this purpose, although any random address in Manitoba would work just as well. Organic Planet's address is: 877 Westminster Ave, Winnipeg, MB R3G 1B3. Please make note of the pick up date presented in this option as that will be the first day upon which your order will be available for pick up.
To offer the lowest possible "public wholesale" product pricing, the cost of shipping is not factored into the price of each individually handmade item. Shipping rates are calculated in a transparent fashion by cubic weight according to the terms of each carrier.
Please note: Clients are responsible for providing correct shipping information at checkout. Please double check that your address is correct before submitting your order. Just the Goods can help you make changes to your shipping address before your order has shipped, but can not make any changes to your address after your order has been shipped. Thank you.
Estimated delivery within CANADA is 1 - 5 business days after mailing on Fridays (depending on your region), but is not currently guaranteed as Canada Post is working as best they can under current circumstances and delays are to be expected. A tracking number is automatically generated by Canada Post and sent by email as soon as postage for your order has been processed.
Shipping via UPS may be selected at check out, but please note that choosing UPS as a shipping method does not move orders faster through production and packing/e-postage. Please also note that UPS - like other couriers - has suspended guaranteed delivery dates except for the highest priced shipping levels (i.e. overnight, etc).
To offer the lowest possible "public wholesale" product pricing, the cost of shipping is not factored into the price of each individually handmade item. Shipping rates are calculated in a transparent fashion by cubic weight according to the terms of each carrier.
Please note: Clients are responsible for providing correct shipping information at checkout. Please double check that your address is correct before submitting your order. Just the Goods can help you make changes to your shipping address before your order has shipped, but can not make any changes to your address after your order has been shipped. Thank you.
Orders to the United States are carried across the Canada/US border by an independent courier that handles international customs so parcels may ship from Pembina ND via as US domestic mail.
A tracking number is automatically generated by USPS and sent by email when e-postage is processed. It may take approximately 24 hours for the number to become live within the USPS tracking system depending on when it is scanned in at the post office. Please check your spam folder or your account if you don't find this information in your inbox.
Parcels destined to the US ship on Wednesday and Friday mornings. Delivery takes approximately 1 - 5 business days thereafter, but may be delayed given the variety of circumstances currently impacting USPS. Please note that Items often take longer to arrive in November, December or January due to high volume and/or inclement weather.
Shipping via UPS may be selected at check out, but please note that choosing UPS as a shipping method does not move orders faster through production and packing/e-postage. Please also note that UPS - like other couriers - has suspended guaranteed delivery dates except for the highest priced shipping levels (i.e. overnight, etc).
To offer the lowest possible "public wholesale" product pricing, the cost of shipping is not factored into the price of each individually handmade item. Shipping rates are calculated in a transparent fashion by cubic weight according to the terms of each carrier.
Please note: Clients are responsible for providing correct shipping information at checkout. Please double check that your address is correct before submitting your order. Just the Goods can help you make changes to your shipping address before your order has shipped, but can not make any changes to your address after your order has been shipped. Thank you.
Update: As of May 23, 2023 Just the Goods is no longer able to offer shipping directly to the UK due to the administrative requirements of VAT pre-clearance.
Those interested in Just the Goods are welcome to explore re-shipping services using a virtual mailbox in the US. Please click the tab titled "Looking for lower international shipping rates, including options for shipping to the EU and UK?" to learn about these services.
Original/Outdated message: Brexit came into effect on January 1, 2021 and that means changes to how Just the Goods ships to addresses in England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.
All parcels imported into the UK under £135 GBP are subject to VAT that must be paid *at the international point of sale*, then forwarded on to the British government instead of simply being collected by British customs agents. Any parcel over £135 GBP (approx $235 CAD) may continue to ship as usual.
If you’re located in England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, or if you’re from another location shipping into these countries/regions, please know that I’ll be able to collect your shipping rate via my website so I can generate a proper shipping label for you, but I’ll need to move your order to Etsy so you can pay VAT calculated at checkout. I apologize for the extra step, but it assures required taxes are correctly collected and remitted so your order is more likely to reach its destination without delay or risk of being returned to sender.
To offer the lowest possible "public wholesale" product pricing, the cost of shipping is not factored into the price of each individually handmade item. Shipping rates are calculated in a transparent fashion by cubic weight according to the terms of each carrier.
Please note: Clients are responsible for providing correct shipping information at checkout. Please double check that your address is correct before submitting your order. Just the Goods can help you make changes to your shipping address before your order has shipped, but can not make any changes to your address after your order has been shipped. Thank you.
Update: As of May 23, 2023 Just the Goods is no longer able to offer shipping directly to the EU due to the administrative requirements of VAT pre-clearance.
Those interested in Just the Goods are welcome to explore re-shipping services using a virtual mailbox in the US. Please click the tab titled "Looking for lower international shipping rates, including options for shipping to the EU and UK?" to learn about these services.
Original/Outdated message: As of July 1, 2021 the European Union requires any parcel imported into the EU under 150 EUR be subject to VAT that must be paid *at the international point of sale*, then forwarded on to the EU instead of simply being collected by customs agents. Any parcel over over 150 EUR (approx $221 CAD) may continue to ship as usual.
If you’re either located in any of the EU member countries, or if you’re from another location shipping into these countries/regions, please know that I’ll be able to collect your shipping rate via my website so I can generate a proper shipping label for you, but I’ll need to move your order to Etsy so you can pay VAT calculated at checkout. I apologize for the extra step, but it assures required taxes are correctly collected and remitted so your order is more likely to reach its destination without delay or risk of being returned to sender.
PLEASE ALSO NOTE: Regretfully Just the Goods is no longer able to ship to Germany due to VerpackG (2019 Packaging Act) that will be come into effect July 1, 2022. At this time, I am unable to undertake the administration required to procure and maintan a LUCID ID number. If this changes I will make a formal annoucement to that effect. Thank you in advance for your kind understanding. sale.
To offer the lowest possible "public wholesale" product pricing, the cost of shipping is not factored into the price of each individually handmade item. Shipping rates are calculated in a transparent fashion by cubic weight according to the terms of each carrier.
Please note: Clients are responsible for providing correct shipping information at checkout. Please double check that your address is correct before submitting your order. Just the Goods can help you make changes to your shipping address before your order has shipped, but can not make any changes to your address after your order has been shipped. Thank you.
Orders to other international destinations ship via Canada Post or USPS on Fridays. As of February 2020, Just the Goods no longer offers discounted Canada Post or USPS shipping services to international destinations because they do not include door-to-door tracking or guaranteed delivery dates, and those features have come to be expected as standard. Only XpressPost by Canada Post and International Priority by USPS will be offered from those carriers.
Delivery by UPS or FedEx is also available, and may be the default carrier in cases where the weight of a parcel exceeds the limit for a regional carrier. DHL is no longer offered due to lack of reliablity.
Looking for lower international shipping rates?
Just the Goods partners with a third party broker to ship to the US via USPS domestic mail. This means it is far less expensive for customers in the US to order from Just the Goods than it is for Candians within Canada.
Clients in other parts of the world can take advantage of this US domestic shopping benefit by exploring global re-shipping and parcel consolidation services:
- provides global service, including to Australia, Brazil, India, Japan, New Zealand, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, and more. It's even used by Canadians unable to purchase from shops that won't ship beyond the US.
-,, and are popular among JTG clients in Europe
- is a popular choice for clients in the UK
- specializes in serving South West Asia and North Africa (a.k.a. the "Middle-East")
Each country may have it's preferred reshippers, so it is best to conduct research from your area to determine which company offers the best reviews. Parcels shipped by this method, like other parcels to the US, ship out on Wednesdays and Fridays.
Just the Goods partners with a third party broker to ship to the US via USPS domestic mail. This means it is far less expensive for customers in the US to order from Just the Goods than it is for Candians within Canada.
Clients in other parts of the world can take advantage of this US domestic shopping benefit by exploring global re-shipping and parcel consolidation services:
- provides global service, including to Australia, Brazil, India, Japan, New Zealand, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, and more. It's even used by Canadians unable to purchase from shops that won't ship beyond the US.
-,, and are popular among JTG clients in Europe
- is a popular choice for clients in the UK
- specializes in serving South West Asia and North Africa (a.k.a. the "Middle-East")
Each country may have it's preferred reshippers, so it is best to conduct research from your area to determine which company offers the best reviews. Parcels shipped by this method, like other parcels to the US, ship out on Wednesdays and Fridays.
A parcel is marked as "fulfilled" when your order has been handmade and e-posted. A parcel may be e-posted but still awaiting transport to a post office or courier depot. For example, USPS parcels are picked up by our cross-border courier on Wednesday and Friday mornings so, if your parcel is marked as fulfilled on Wednesday afternoon, it is awaiting pick up on the next available day, which would Friday.
By clicking on the "view order status" button in your order confirmation email, you'll be taken to an order status screen. Scroll down to your tracking number and click on it. There you will see information including, for example, when your e-postage was generated, when your parcel was received by the post office or other courier service, and where your parcel is on its journey to you.
If a parcel is marked as "in transit", this means that your order is on its way to you.
When a parcel is marked as "delivered" please note that this doesn't necessarily mean the parcel is in your hands personally because it may indicate that your parcel has either:
- been deposited into your mailbox
- left at your front door or porch
- put into a parcel locker (if you have one)
- handed to a concierge or mail room attendant (where applicable)
- or handed to someone in your household who may have answered the door when the post officer or courier arrived
If you have recieved a message that your parcel has been delivered and you don't have it yet, please be sure to check your mailbox, porch, apartment/condo/office mailroom, or with a member of your household as 99% of the time, that's where your parcel is located 😊
For more information about order production and shipping, please visit:
If you received Just the Goods products in a frozen state, no worries! It is actually only exposure to excessive heat/humidity that runs the risk of damaging items as it can lead to the deterioration of natural plant-based ingredients causing rancidity and/or mould growth. If a product reaches you in a frozen state, simply allow it to rest at room temperature then shake well before using. I advise highly against accelerating the thawing process by putting bottles and/or jars into hot water or a microwave as this can disrupt not only the ingredients, but the consistency/binding of the product.
It's to be expected that natural body and/or foot butter made with shea butter and/or cocoa butter will melt if shipped in the heat of summer 😊 The same is true for the bath melts because, in both cases, Just the Goods doesn't use any synthetic heat-proof emulsifying agents.
Since cocoa butter and shea butter are very resilient carrier oils that are capable of melting and solidifying multiple times without harming their composition, melted body/foot butter isn't damaged. Please allow closed jars to rest in your fridge for an hour or so, and the butter will congeal back into a balm form.
Yes, the texture will different because there won't be as many air bubbles trapped in the product from the whipping process, but the product itself is still completely fresh and usable and will work in exactly the same way 😊
Products: General Info
Just the Goods products are handmade to order in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
Orders ship worldwide, including to the United States using USPS domestic mail which means Just the Goods takes care of international customs so your order reaches you with a USPS tracking number as if it was shipped directly from within the United States.
For more information about shipping within Canada, to the US, or to other international destinations, please visit:
For information about product longevity, please visit:
Just the Goods offers two lines.
The first line, Just the Goods, was established in 2009 to provide affordable access to safer and healthier plant-based alternatives to mass produced/warehoused skin/body care products made from petrochemicals. By offering these products at public wholesale prices instead of retail prices, Just the Goods seeks to help folks who avoid petrochemicals and other harmful substances in personal care products when they can’t justify spending a great deal of money on what might feel like a luxury. Just the Goods is currently comprised of 130+ products and uses organic ingredients wherever possible, but otherwise include organics when the price of raw materials are comparable, which happens from time to time depending on supply/demand. Some examples of organics used routinely include: certified organic castile soap in face washes, glycerine in lotions, and cane sugar in body scrubs. The use of organic ingredients are labelled accordingly. To learn more about how Just the Goods products are priced, please visit:
The second line was launched in 2018 and is called: petal, leaf, root. by Just the Goods. This line currently consists of five facial care items for normal/sensitive skin, with additional products being added as they are developed. In addition to utilizing 100% organic ingredients, this line is also free from artificial preservatives, colours, and/or fragrances, as well as being free from gluten, GMOs, nuts, palm, petrochemicals, and soy. The products in this line are sold at conventional retail rates in order to better facilitate in-store distribution since, over the past 10 years, many people have requested that Just the Goods products be more readily available locally. Of course, the only way to do this is to increase product prices making room for the required profit margins of retailers and distributors. To learn more about petal, leaf, root. by Just the Goods, please visit:
Thank you!
Just the Goods seeks to offer affordable vegan products so that they may become more widely available, therefore facilitating healthier living as part of increased consciousness about kind living, environmental protection, and consumerism in general.
Just the Goods products are never tested on animals, nor do I commission such testing, because I believe it both unnecessary and unproven to make cosmetics safer for human consumers. Instead of testing Just the Goods on animals, I test all products on myself, and I am joined in this process by many great friends eager to try out my formulas. I am very concerned with how my products rank at, so the spectrum of ingredients I use have known safety records. The Compact for Safe Cosmetics has acknowledged my choices by granting Just the Goods Champion Status in 2011. Beyond that, be assured that I would never include in a product something I wouldn’t consider putting on my own body, or giving to people I care about 😊
In recognition of the fact that I don't allow Just the Goods products to be tested on animals, and the fact that I don’t procure raw materials/ingredients that are tested on animals, Just the Goods was approved for inclusion in the Leaping Bunny Program on November 27, 2013.
With all this being said… while I do NOT include animal-based ingredients in my products, or allow testing on animals, I don’t typically describe Just the Goods as completely cruelty-free because I am not always able to obtain fair-trade or direct-trade ingredients for my products. I am however very conscious of this and strive to make the most socially conscious choices possible when obtaining raw materials. I am mentioning this because it is very important to me be that be as honest and transparent about Just the Goods as possible 😊 Thank you!
Just the Goods is in the process of transitioning to becoming entirely plastic free. Please find more information about this here:
Please note that all Just the Goods packaging is recyclable: glass jars, aluminum bottles and caps, and HDPE plastic bottles and sample cups. Please wash containers and remove labels before recycling as required by your local recycling program.
Related topic: Just the Goods is becoming plastic-free
The short answer: None of Just the Goods’ packaging contain Bisphenol-A (BPA)
The long answer: BPA is harmful chemical additive found in polycarbonate plastics to make them hard and durable, epoxy resins used to coat the inside of metal products such as food cans, Styrofoam packaging and clear plastics. BPA is in a category of chemicals known as endocrine-disruptors and exposure to it is linked to breast, prostate, and uterine cancer, decreased testosterone, Type II Diabetes, Attention Deficit Disorder, and other ailments affecting adults, children, infants and fetuses. Because BPA mimics the naturally occurring hormone estrogen, it can alter the normal function of genes and is linked to the early onset of puberty in girls, among other concerns including serious reproductive disorders. Over the past several decades, research has shown that BPA can seep into food, beverages, or cosmetics from containers are made with BPA, especially when those containers are heated.
There is, however, another class of plastic made from different, non-toxic components. High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) is one such plastic and is used specifically for consumables. It does not contain BPA. The easiest way to identify the type of plastic is to look for the recycling symbol and/or the alphabetic designation stamped on the bottom of the container. All of Just the Goods’ plastic bottles are made from “HDPE” aka Plastic Number 2.
Just the Goods also packs products in:
- glass jars (i.e. body butter, shaving cream, face scrubs)
- glass bottles with polyethylene lined aluminum caps (PE is another plastic not known to leach any chemicals that are suspected of causing cancer or disrupting hormones) (i.e. hand and body lotion and mouthwash in the summer, herbal bath salts all year round)
- refillable glass roll on bottles and vials (i.e. deodorant, perfume)
- BPA-free aluminum bottles (facial care products, hand/body lotion)
- BPA-free reusable aluminum jars (body powder, face masks)
- recyclable HDPE tubes (lip balm)
- Recyclable HDPE sample cups (body butter, hand and body lotion)
- FDA and USDA compliant food grade plastic pouches (bath melts, bath salts, body scrub, tea)
A complete collection of EWG Verified Just the Goods products can be found here:
Just the Goods is a small team of two people handmaking and shipping 160+ products in a variety of categories and formats. It is due to the cost of submitting each formula for review, as well as the cost associated with maintaining verified status, that I've chosen to cap verification at the current range/number of items. If -- at some point in the future -- I have time and resources to submit other formulas for review, I will do so 😊 Thanks!
Just the Goods offers searchable product tags to help you more easily find the types of products that may best suit your needs. You can visit the "shop all products" link and scroll down to the category of interest. Alternatively, quick links can be found below:
- Gluten free items can be found here:
- Nut-free items can be found here:
- Soy-free items can be found here:
- Unscented items can be found here:
Please note, however, that Just the Goods is not an allergy-free project -- it offers plant-based formulas that are certified cruelty-free by the Leaping Bunny program administered by The Coalition for Consumer Information on Cosmetics. Quick lists of gluten-free, nut-free, and unscented options are provided for convenience but offer no guarantee that ingredients/raw materials used by Just the Goods have come from certified allergy-free manufacturers and/or distributors.
Sesame is not used in any Just the Goods products. Likewise, milk, eggs, and shellfish are not used because Just the Goods products are entirely plant-based.
Just the Goods uses natural plant-based ingredients that have not been chemically deodorized, so finished products generally smell like the ingredients used to make them such as shea butter, olive oil, alcohol-free witch hazel hydrosol, etc. In some cases (i.e. facial care for oily/combination skin, dry skin, and acne prone skin) scent also comes from essential oils, which have been included to support the efficacy of the product. For example tea tree oil offers antibacterial support, chamomile helps to moisturize.
In the case of products with a different scent options, unscented versions are the default then essential oils are added for the sake of creating aromatic variety. Examples of this include body butter and body scrubs.
Just the Goods is unable to make completely fragrance-free products because all the plant based ingredients used naturally smell like something, rather than being synthetically altered either through deodorization processes, or the inclusion of synthetic masking agents, to smell like "nothing".
Not sure if an unscented option is right for you? Please be sure to choose a sample size before commiting to a full-sized version 🙂 Thank you!
The products Just the Goods best recommends for use while pregnant, nursing, or with babies and young children can be found here:
All living things age with the passage of time. This is a perfectly natural process, and ideally something to be embraced as part of a life well lived. Any suggestion that we can or should fight the aging process, including what are described as “premature signs of aging”, is nothing more than a marketing scam used by the beauty industry to prey on low self-esteem cultivated by the non-stop presentation of young, photo edited and/or surgically altered bodies in advertising and entertainment.
Some say looking good helps us feel better, but I’m inclined to prioritize efforts to feel good because that reminds us to take care of ourselves. Audre Lorde was a Caribbean-American writer and civil rights activist who famously said (among other great things) that “caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.” Maybe not all of us would consider ourselves engaged in political warfare, but daily life can be really tough, and it isn’t easy to justify the time required to slow down and recharge. However, when we take care of ourselves as best as we can, we can begin to appreciate the many different ways our bodies help us radiate confidence in our ideas, abilities, skills, and wisdom… all of which contributes to a healthy love for ourselves and those around us.
I realize that there is a never-ending list of products promising youth in a bottle. Some contain plant or animal-derived toxins to freeze and fill skin, while others claim to deliver nourishment through worm castings, slug slime, and all sorts of freeze dried or mushed up internal organs. Some offer a touch of glamour through the inclusion of diamond dust, for example, which is said to reflect light and minimize the appearance of wrinkles. All in all, I feel these kinds of products are concerned more with grabbing for your wallet than genuinely helping you feel your best. That just doesn’t seem fair.
I’d love a world wherein all bodies are beautiful, and a lifetime of personal experience is worth more than a face lift. But, while we work together to create this more caring world, it doesn’t hurt to:
- remain well hydrated (i.e. drink lots of water and moisturize regularly)
- avoid sunburn
- avoid smoking
- avoid excessive consumption of caffeine and alcohol as both can be very dehydrating
- avoid unnecessary exposure to toxins through petrochemical-based body care products and processed food with lots of preservatives
- practice stress management techniques and try to get enough rest
Each of the above mentioned items will help your whole body feel refreshed and energized, while also helping your skin glow with enough good health to match your fabulous personality 😊
Just the Goods does not make sunscreen because I don’t have the resources necessary to commission clinical trials to confirm evidence of broad spectrum protection against UVA and UVB rays. And so, even though there are plenty of websites that might help one calculate SPF based on the combination and ratio of ingredients used, it just seems too risky for something so important. I prefer to share Environmental Working Group’s annual sunscreen round up (
In the case of those insisting on experimenting with DIY formulas, I urge them to consider the following points:
- Calculating SPF is not simply a matter of adding ingredients to increase protection because factors such as concentration/dilution ratios apply (i.e. 3 - 10 SPF from coconut oil, plus 28 – 50 SPF from raspberry seed oil does not equal 31 - 60 SPF ... and, even if it did, that is a troubling speculative gap).
- Many oils can cause skin to absorb light faster and thus burn faster so, whatever the SPF ratings of ingredients might be in their own right, those benefits are often negated by the very process of applying those oils to skin.
- Domestic grade mixing equipment can not guarantee the absolutely even distribution of sun blocking ingredients throughout any given formula necessary to provide uniform, consistent and thus guaranteed protection.
- Even ingredients with relatively safe ratings such as non-micronized zinc oxide need to be used within recognized guidelines. Wikipedia’s entry about sunscreen demonstrates the range in what is considered allowable according to the health and safety laws of different countries publishing such information.
- Mineral based sun screens need to be applied more frequently and yes, they will leave a white haze on the skin
For more information, please visit:
I am often asked what brand of sunscreen I use. My answer is that I actually don't have a particular sunscreen that I use and can recommend for daily use, not only because formulas change from year to year, and availability can vary by region, but also because I don't tend to use sunscreen daily -- I work long hours and don't spend much time outside, and when I do, I prefer to stick to the shade and/or wear a hat. When I am exposed to the sun, it's usually because I'm in water, and in that case I choose something that is safe for marine life, as well.
Skin care and sun screen formulators have made wonderful strides over the years and -- whereas it was previously quite difficult to find safe sunscreen made without beeswax, or without a white cast -- it's available now!
All in all, my best recommendation is to check EWG's safer sunscreen guide, published each year:
Alternatively you can search this website for the range of options currently available from Just the Goods:Click this link to see find the varieties of sunscreen currently offered by Just the Goods.
No, Just the Goods does not make hand sanitizer. I realize the Canadian government has loosened some restrictions on who can offer products with a high enough ethanol content to sufficiently protect against viruses, but -- much in the same way that Just the Goods does not make sunscreen or insect repellent -- I feel these products should only be produced and sold if they have undergone rigorous laboratory testing to verify claims that they provide genuine protection.
I realize there many small-scale makers are selling repackaged gel and spray sanitizer (ie. purchased in drums and sold in more convenient sizes with their own branding, sometimes adding essential oils for scent -- be wary of anyone suggesting the antiviral properties of essential oils are strong enough to combat Covid-19 as that is simply not true); however, rather than do the same, I feel it is more responsible on my part to invite folks to explore either pharmaceutical brands using isopropyl alcohol, or registered legal distillers using ethanol.
Insect repellent is considered a medical/pharmaceutical adjacent product because it needs to be tested proven to offer effective control against insect-borne illnesses such as West Nile, Lyme disease, etc. and Just the Goods only makes products that are cosmetic in nature.
Just the Goods' facial moisturizer for normal/sensitive skin formula is a multi-use product! The exact same formula -- with exactly the same ratio of ingredients -- can be found labelled as the following items:
- facial moisturizer for normal sensitive skin
- eye cream
- unscented lotion with apricot kernel and avocado oil
- tattoo after care
- after sun lotion
- hair smoothing lotion
Just the Goods' packaging is selected to minimize the risk of product spoilage because formulas are made without artificial preservatives. Larger formats may increase air exchange/exposure, or simply contribute to product going rancid or mouldy before there's a chance for it to be finished under conventional use conditions.
With respect to facial care products and hand/body lotion: Many products sit well for a long time when unopened (i.e. extra bottles purchased to combine shipping and reduce the carbon involved with transportation), but unless the bottles are keep in suitable storage conditions (i.e. in a cool, dark place away from high temperatures and humidity), there is a chance they can go bad. Even though some products can last up to 2 years after opening (i.e. deodorant) I always prefer to suggest 6 months, just to be on the safe side. More specifically, a 4 oz bottle of facial moisturizer can take 2 - 3 months, or even 4 months, to finish but an 8 oz bottle would surely go bad before someone could use all of it. And so, ultimately, maintaining 4 oz bottles for facial care products helps to protect the product and reduce the chance of disappointment in something going bad before it's finished.
Having said all that, unlike conventionally sold retail products, Just the Goods products are handmade to order and are offered at public wholesale pricing, which means they are always offered at the best value possible, regardless of size. For more information about how Just the Goods products are priced, please visit:
More specific to the question about travel sized products: Just the Goods' 1 oz bottles designed for samples of facial skin care and hand/body lotion are great for use as travel sized items.
Another reason why Just the Goods doesn't offer a wider range of product sizes is due to the amount of time it takes to produce and distribute multiple formats. All Just the Goods products are handmade so having too many varieties of packaging increases the time, energy, and other resources it takes to make and package products, and to prepare orders for shipping. Having more bottle sizes than we already carry also means spending more per unit of packaging because we would be buying smaller quantities of more sizes than larger quantities of fewer sizes. It also creates inventory and storage issues, which is already quite difficult to navigate as a result of current global supply chain disruption. And, having said that, the truth of currently offering offering of both aluminum and plastic for larger sizes (while working to phase out plastic) is already quite cumbersome, thus making the prospect of adding more sizes unfeasible at this time 🙂
I hope this is helpful information!
Thank you for this question!
At this time, Just the Goods is unable to undertake requests for custom products.
There are times in the past when JTG has been able to offer customized products on a bulk-order basis (ie. a custom perfume or hand/body lotion in 50+ units in cases where labels were supplied prior to the start of production, or custom mini gift sets composed of existing JTG products). Our current volume of orders does not allow this, but this message will be updated if/when capacity changes to facilitate such requests.
The reason we're unable to make changes to existing formulas or packaging on an individual order basis is simply due to the high volume of orders received/produced each week, and the logistical challenges involved.
Thank you for your understanding.
Thank you again for asking! So sorry I'm unable to accommodate.
Thanks for this question.
I offered a local deposit return / refill program for glass packaging in the first five years of operation, but unfortunately it didn't work out because containers were largely returned to me in unusable condition (chipped or cracked glass, rusted lids, etc.) and then I just ended up with a stockpile of unusable glass that I ended up having no option but to drop into my own recycling bin 😔
However, there are now two local refilleries carrying Just the Goods in Winnipeg*, so folks can bring their containers to them and find out from the staff whether or not they can be safely reused with products made from natural ingredients without synthetic preservatives 😊 Overall, from what I hear, this has helped to encourage better care and cleaning! Yay! Please keep in mind, however, that Just the Goods lotion products (facial moisturizer and hand/body lotion) can not be refilled because I find it contributes to premature spoilage of these products mostly caused by excess transfer of product between multiple containers, but also the large source jug eventually containing too much air. As it turns out, some of the features that make Just the Goods products desirable also means they can't be offered in all contexts; refill being one of them.
Please note, plastic can not be safely reused because the heat required to sterilize it causes material breakdown. Having said that, most of JTG's products are now available in plastic-free options, aluminum being the most recycled material on Earth due to it's high commodity value. I recommend purchasing in aluminum instead of plastic whenever possible to facilitate this closed loop option 😊 Please find more information about that here:
If you're located outside of Winnipeg, I recommend re-using packaging at home for storage, donating packaging to a neighbourhood zero waste shop to re-circulate in the community, or recycling as part of your municipal program since the carbon cost of returning an empty bottle or jar to me for refill very much outweighs the benefit of reusing it, since transportation of that empty container creates an environmental deficit rather than a gain.
I hope this helps!
*Refill Market (634 Notre Dame Avenue) and Planet Pantry (145-25 Forks Market Rd)
Whereas synthetic ingredients are chemically manufactured to be identical in every way including scent and colour, plant-based ingredients are derived from agricultural goods that vary from harvest to harvest based on a number of factors including: sun, rain, wind, soil mineral content, and more. As such, plant-based ingredients can feature a variety of differences in both colour and scent depending on where they were grown, how they were harvested, and how they were prepared for use as an ingredient for cosmetics formulation.
As such, Just the Goods products may feature differences in scent and/or colour from batch to batch. If you notice differences in scent and/or colour, please be assured all Just the Goods products are made with high quality ingredients and, since they are made to order, they reach you freshly made from raw materials in excellent condition. In all cases, please store your products appropriate in a cool, dark place and all should be well 😊 I hope this is helpful information!!
More about this is available in an instagram post I wrote a few years ago:
Please click here for more information about how Just the Goods products are handmade to order:
For product care instructions, please click here:
Yes! Just the Good offers digital gift cards in a variety of denominations. Please find them here:
Please note digital gift cards are offered in Canadian Dollars and they are not designed to be printed. The best way to share a gift card is to send it directly to someone via email, or to copy/paste the complete 16 digit code into a message to ensure all characters are easily available to the recipient 😊
Products: Facial Skin Care
Just the Goods' facial care product selection quiz offers customized results based on your responses to a variety of questions. The results include both product sample suggestions *and* routine/technique recommendations to help you get the most out of each product.
Please note the quiz seeks to gather pertinent information about your skin type, concerns, and the products you are using now because I've observed those details typically provide more relevant information than age and/or gender.
Click here to try the quiz:
In addition to Just the Good's facial care product selection quiz, a very basic guide aiming to help you determine which Just the Goods facial care products might be best for you can be found here:
Facial skin care for children, tweens, and young teens didn’t cross my mind when I first started Just the Goods; however this is something I’ve been asked about more and more frequently over the past few years. Originally this type of question mentioned children as young as 10, but I have now also been asked about children as young as three.
I trust this question has become more common because caregivers want to help the children in their lives reduce exposure to synthetic compounds that increase risk of cancer, hormone disruption, allergy, etc. However, it has also occurred to me that this question may be a consequence of people being more accustomed to seeing highly filtered images on social media, and wanting to stop acne before it forms.
Before offering skin care tips, I’d like to share one important thought: if the child in your life is developing acne, or if you’re concerned about it occurring in the future, please take care to not express shame. Being a kid/tween/teen is hard enough without the people they love transferring their anxieties about appearance, and asking the child to become even more self-conscious about how they look.
Yes! It’s great to share information about good and necessary hygiene but -- in order to soften what are already really big feelings about bodies changing -- it’s helpful to let children/teens come to you with their concerns. And, when they do, never forget to tell them they’re wonderful people and how they look is one of the least interesting things about them. This support in the building of their self-confidence will go a long, long way 😊
Now, my tips for facial skin care:
I’ve observed that the best way to teach good habits at a young age is to focus on washing well with only water before bedtime, and applying skin care products only when needing to balance something out. For example: removing petroleum-based or waxy sunscreen/face paint or colour cosmetics, restoring moisture, or clearing acne (if desired by the child/teen).
Many children are beginning puberty earlier than the average age several decades ago. Having said that, even if the 10 year old in your life is beginning puberty, it's important to remember that their young skin can still be very sensitive, which means that even face wash for sensitive skin may be too strong. Therefore, using an alcohol-free toner for normal/sensitive skin as micellar water is a much more gentle option. Rinse with water again if you wish, then follow with the tiniest amount of facial moisturizer for normal/sensitive skin in the areas that feel tight or dry after rinsing with water and/or toner used as micellar water.
Find these items here:
Detailed instructions for how to effectively use toner as micellar water (applying product to a cotton disc and gently wiping until no trace appears on the cotton) can be found here:
Questions for children younger than 10 usually refer to skin care for the removal of sunscreen or face paints. Begin by gently washing as much off as possible with water and a soft face cloth. Then, if sunscreen and/or face paint is still present, use the above-mentioned alcohol-free toner for normal/sensitive skin gently with the method recommended. Even though alcohol-free witch hazel is often the ingredient in medical eye washes, it’s still a good idea to avoid contact with the eyes, nostrils, and mouth -- the same places you’d want to avoid sunscreen, face paint, etc.
Important notes:
- Just the Goods' products for acne prone skin are intended for adults with frequent and clustered acne --- not occasional pimples -- and only if they do not have sensitive skin. If children must use a product, please only use varieties for normal/sensitive skin formulated without essential oils
- Exfoliating products should never be used by children or tweens
- Please choose sunscreen recommended for children. A good source for information about safe, child-friendly sunscreen is Just the Goods carries non-comedogenic facial sunscreen produced by other makers, but they may not provide coverage typically needed for children playing in water, rubbing their faces, etc.
Teens may wish to try JTG's facial care product selection quiz -- their response to each question will generate results offering both product sample suggestions and routine/technique recommendations to help them get the most out of each product.
Please note that even products for normal/sensitive skin can effectively clear pores to reduce incidence of acne and that products with essential oils are not necessary for everyone. It is always better to start with the most simple items/routine then build up if/as required 😊
Just the Goods offers three types of facial cleansing products. They are:
- face wash
- cleansing grains
- cleansing gel
They can be distinguished in the following ways:
Face wash
Face washes are made with Castile soap. They are offered in a variety of formulas: some with essential oils, some without; some with exfoliating beads, sme without; some with moisturizing shea butter, some without.
The best way to choose a face wash is to determine your skin type and which of the four skin type formulas will be best suited for your needs (i.e. normal/sensitive, oily/combination, dry, or acne prone). If you need help narrowing down your skin type, please please visit:
If you are seeking to avoid essential oils, the face wash without any is the normal/sensitive option without palmarosa essential oil. Find this by using the formula drop down menu here:
In all cases, if you would like an exfoliating face wash, please choose the formula drop down to select the exfoliating option. If you would not like an exfoliating face wash, please choose the one that doesn’t indicate “exfoliating”
If you like or need a moisturizing formula, choose a face wash made with shea butter. Both options for dry skin are made with shea butter and two of the options for oily/combination skin are made with shea butter. Shea butter is not recommended for acne prone skin. Some normal and/or sensitive skin types will find shea butter is too rich and is thus not recommended.
Face wash should be followed with toner to help cleanse pores in ways that face wash alone can not. Toner also helps to restore pH balance after cleansing. Follow with moisturizer as desired (typically a small amount to the areas that feel tight/dry after washing)
Cleansing grains
Cleansing grains are made without soap of any kind. They are also all made without essential oils. They are made primarily from crushed dried botanicals (ie. flower petals and herbs, gluten-free amaranth flour), so although they are powder but may still be exfoliating because they are not as smooth as a liquid soap or an oil. Some cleansing grain formulas contain mineral clay (i.e. normal/sensitive, oily) and one is made without (dry).
Cleansing grains should be followed with toner to help cleanse pores in ways that grains alone can not. Follow with moisturizer as desired (typically a small amount to the areas that feel tight/dry after washing).
Cleansing gel
Cleansing gel is made without soap of any kind. Rather, it is an oil cleansing method -- a combination of plant based oils that break down sebum and/or colour cosmetics, sunscreen, etc. on the surface of the skin so they can be rinsed away. Just the Goods’ formula is made with essential oils that are typically suitable for sensitive skin. However, if you wish to avoid essential oils of any kind, then this formula will not be suitable for your needs.
Cleansing gel should be followed with toner to ensure all residue from the cleansing oil has been removed from the skin. Toner is also helpful to cleanse pores in ways that oil alone can not. Follow with moisturizer as desired (typically a small amount to the areas that feel tight/dry after washing).
The following chart offers a summary of the features of each Just the Goods facial cleansing product. It is best viewed on a laptop or tablet. Alternatively, rotate your phone to see each of the categories across: product, skin type, made with essential oils, made with Castile soap, made with shea butter, made with clay, exfoliating, oil cleansing method:
* EO = Essential oils
** Exf = Exfoliating
*** Oil method = Oil cleansing method
"sen" - sensitive skin
"combo" = combination skin
You're welcome to use as much as you like -- whatever feels good to you / whatever you find most effective 😊 For example, if you're wearing make up and/or sunscreen, you might need a little more than if you're not.
To be honest, I probably vary the amount I use from time to time without thinking too much about it. Cupped in your palm, maybe the size of a quarter, or a nickle.
Overall, I find it best for people to experiment so they can discover what feels best for them because we're all different with different needs (i.e. our skin type, the climate we live in, the amount we sweat, what other products we use, or don't, etc).
Having said that, I do recommend reading my tips for daily skin care because it offers helpful suggestions on the best time of day to use face wash, and how to fit it into a regular routine for best results 😊
I hope this helps!
Just the Goods is about using the least amount of ingredients to achieve a clean, effective formula -- "just the goods", and nothing extra. Adding emulsifiers, even plant based ones, increases cost (raw materials + labour) as well as potential allergens or toxicity (i.e. xanthan gum is made from corn, emulsifiers made from seaweed can contain trace amounts of heavy metals, etc.)
If you're having trouble tipping the bottle only slightly to pour the desired amount of product into the palm of your hand, Just the Goods offers a range of re-usable bottle tops to maintain a low price point for each product and to reduce landfill waste as those items can not be recycled:
These re-usable bottle accessories are offered separately to keep overall product costs down, while also minimizing waste sent to landfill since they can't be recycled. Offering them separately also allows for product customization since different people like different things, including sometimes preferring no pump, spray top, or flip top at all 😊
Just the Goods products use only natural essential oils, no synthetic fragrances. In the case of facial care products, essential oils are included specifically for the qualities offered by their constituent compounds. For example: chamomile is moisturizing; tea tree oil is antibacterial. Just the Goods’ range of facial care products for normal/sensitive skin doesn't include any essential oils so the can be as non-allergenic and non-sensitizing as possible.
Having said that, some people do enjoy/can tolerate essential oils added to their products for sensitive skin. If that is the case for you -- that is, if you’re sure you’re not allergic or otherwise sensitive to essential oils -- your skin may be able to tolerate 1 or 2 drops of lavender, chamomile, or rose essential oil per 4 oz bottle of product. These can be procured from most health food stores, so feel free to choose what you like and add them on an experimental basis at your discretion keeping in mind doing so changes the original formal 🙂
The exfoliating beads in JTG's face wash and facial scrub products are made from 100% plant-based and biodegradable jojoba wax. Plastic microbeads are never used.
Toner -- often sold as micellar water to make it sound exciting and new --- is, in my opinion, the most important part of a daily skin care routine concerned with lifting excess sebum, bacteria, sweat, and environmental pollutants from the pores, which is often of concern for people...
- with acne prone skin
- trying to control oily skin
- living in humid climates
- working in environments with lots of dust or smoke (i.e. sawdust, drywall dust, etc.)
- who sweat a lot (i.e. athletes)
- who wear makeup, especially if it contains petroleum ingredients, which are often designed to remain fixed onto the skin for prolonged periods of time and prevents skin from breathing as well as it could
People who don’t have acne prone or oily skin, who don’t sweat a lot, who don’t have concerns relative to their daily environment, or who never wear makeup might not find an antibacterial toner necessary. Those with sensitive skin, however, may find an alcohol-free witch hazel toner with no essential oils useful as a way to help balance pH after cleansing.
Toner is often, and I think quite oddly, considered a gendered item, but keep in mind that aftershave works on the same principle. In fact, many natural toners and aftershaves can be used interchangeably to clean and soothe skin -- to balance pH and/or provide antibacterial support.
When using toner, please keep in mind that it is most effective when used correctly – gently rubbed onto the face with a cotton pad to pick up and remove unwanted elements – not sprayed onto the face. Micellar water should be used in the same way, not splashed on.
Interested in more details? Here's a step by step:
- Always shake the bottle very well before use to evenly distribute any essential oils -- at least 5 seconds
- Lightly saturate a cotton pad with toner and sweep it onto your face in upward motions to remove oil and dirt
- Sweep the cotton pad over all areas of your face except near/around your eyes. Toner can also be applied to your neck, shoulders, back, and behind your ears using this same method to absorb excess oil and dirt, particularly if those areas are acne prone
- Repeat Step 3 with the back side of the pad, or a fresh pad, until there is no longer any trace of oil and/or dirt transferring to the pad.
- Your skin should not feel wet after using toner, simply refreshed. If your skin feels wet after toning, this probably means you are using too much, and you'll likely need to pat dry with a towel.
In addition to being more effective when applied with a cotton pad, another reason I do not recommend spraying toner directly onto the face is because it's not a good idea to risk essential oils (especially astringent ones) making contact with your eyes, mouth or the delicate mucous membranes of your nostrils.
Remember: Toner should never burn your skin. If it does, the bottle may not have been adequately shaken or - more likely - the formula you're using may be too strong for your skin type. Please discontinue use of any product that is too strong for your skin type.
For assistance chosing the best products suited to your needs, please check out my skin care quiz here:
Toner and aftershave are generally interchangeable, and the best one to use is one that is most suitable for your skin type. If you have dry skin, I recommend toner for dry skin. If you have oily skin and get zits from time to time, then I recommend the variety for oily/combination skin. If you don't have dry skin, or particularly oily skin, then the variety for normal/sensitive skin has enough cleansing strength to do the job, which is to keep pores clean/mildly disinfected after shaving to prevent razor burn. I don't generally recommend the toner for acne prone skin because it has very strong antibacterial ingredients that might cause burning and redness to freshly shaved skin. And, by the way, it's a myth that aftershave needs to sting to work since the sting usually comes from alcohol, which Just the Goods doesn't use.
Just the Goods products are made without the use of artificial preservatives. One of the easiest ways to do this is to blend/pack/ship products dry to avoid potential mould growth. Examples of dry facial care products are Just the Goods' petal, leaf, root. by Just the Goods cleansing grains, Just the Goods facial scrubs, and Just the Goods face masks, all of which are made from a variety of dried botanicals and mineral clays.
The easiest way to use cleansing grains and/or facial scrubs is to wet your face and your hands, shake a bit of product from the bottle or jar into the palm of one hand, then rub your palms together for a quick moment before transferring the product onto your face using gentle circular motions. Rinse well and follow with toner and moisturizer of your choice. Tips for how to use toner effectively can be found here:
Another option is to handle the cleansing grains and/or facial scrubs like face mask by blending dry product with water prior to use. To do this, sprinkle a small amount of dry product into a mixing dish; mix with water (or any other liquid of your choice; ie. rose water), and apply to your face. You may use your fingers/hands, or apply with a clean paintbrush that is reserved for use with facial care products only. Cleansing grains and facial scrub should still be used with gentle circular motions. All three products -- cleansing grains, facial scrub, and face mask -- should be rinsed well with water, and followed with toner and moisturizer. These products are best applied at a sink rather than in the shower to avoid getting the remaining dry product wet/damp.
How often you use facial scrub is entirely up to you since only you will know how your skin responds to the product/formula you've selected. My general suggestion is to start once a week then increase or decrease depending on how your skin feels. Some people can use the variety for sensitive skin as often as daily (i.e. if they have very easily congested skin, or if they're on medication that causes extreme dryness and flaking). Some folks like to use the variety for most skin types every few days, more or less depending on issues like humidity, medications that impact skin, etc. Others might find once or twice a month is all they need. The best way to find out what works best for you is to experiment.
To preserve these products for as long as possible, avoid getting water/moisture/humidity into your remaining dry product as contact with water/steam may cause mould growth. This means one should avoid putting wet hands or spoons into a bottle or jar, avoid letting water drop into bottles/jars, and keep the product lids well sealed between uses. These products, like all other Just the Goods products, should be stored in a cool, dry place. Since many Just the Goods products are made from food grade ingredients (i.e. oat flour, amaranth flour, rice bran, etc) think of them like food and store them accordingly. In the same way that you wouldn't want to store an oatmeal cookie in the shower/allow them to get wet, please don't store Just the Goods products in a shower as doing so will render them spoiled and unsuitable for use.
Just the Goods' moisturizing lotions are non-comedogenic, which means they will not clog pores.
All JTG lotions are entirely plant based, so folks switching from products made with petrochemical ingredients will find they need far less per use in comparison. Having said that, the biggest reason Just the Goods offers sample sized products is so folks can try new things without having to commit to full size containers 😊
If you're looking for something even lighter than JTG's facial moisturizing lotions, you may wish to explore the facial serums in the petal, leaf, root. by Just the Goods range.
Please note that JTG's body butters are not recommended as facial care products, although those living in extremely dry climates or taking dehydrating medications have reported that they enjoy the richness of these formulas.
Although the instructions on the box suggest using facial serum after washing your face, honestly, it’s entirely up to you 😊
Everyone has different needs based on their skin type, the climate where they live, the other skin care products they use, and any medications they might be taking. Some people like to use facial serum alone, others like to use it as a base before applying a moisturizing lotion. Some people like to use facial serum both at in morning and at night, others prefer one or the other.
I personally have very easily congested skin, so I prefer to use it as my only moisturizing product; however, the medication I take makes my naturally oily skin very, very dry. In the winter I find I need to use facial serum as a moisturizer in the morning and at night, whereas in the summer I only use it after washing my face at night, and only in the areas that feel tight or dry after washing. From time to time -- depending on how humid it is, I use facial serum as a base before applying makeup in the morning.
Given all the possibilities, I recommend that each person try what feels instinctual to them, and adjust based on how their skin feels. Only you will know if a particular product, combination of products, and/or product routine is right for you and your personal circumstances.
I hope this is helpful information!
All best, Milena
Body butter is generally intended for use on the body -- this generally means from neck down, excluding hands since it could feel greasy on hands, unless it's being used overnight with manicure gloves.
Some people experiencing *extreme* dryness from certain medications and/or living in very dry climates report enjoying unscented body butter and/or nut-free unscented body butter as a facial moisturizer but -- for the average person -- this product is too rich and may contribute to congestion. As such I don't typically recommend body butter be used on the face. However, if no other moisturizer and/or combination of moisturizer and serum are working, then one could try using an unscented body butter.
Products more often recommended for use on the face are as follows:
After extensive research, I've concluded that conventional products marketed as eye cream take advantage of misinformation about what skin really needs by offering formulas that contain little more than petrochemicals designed to feel light and absorb quickly, which are then packaged into smaller containers and sold at a higher price.
Over the past 12 years, clients worldwide have expressed satisfaction using JTG's facial moisturizer for normal/sensitive skin around the delicate eye area because it is made from nutritive, non-toxic, plant based ingredients and does not contain any essential oils which might cause eyes to water or burn.
Some people feel comfortable using JTG's facial moisturizer for dry skin under more extreme conditions (i.e. very arid climates, or while managing specific skin or overall conditions). Please note, however, that JTG *never* recommends facial moisturizers for oily/combination skin or acne prone skin be used around the eyes because they contain essential oils that are inappropriate for use near the eyes. Those with oily/combination skin or acne prone skin who purchase full-sized bottles of facial moisturizer for their needs opt to purchase a small/sample sized bottle of facial moisturizer for normal/sensitive skin to be used exclusively as eye cream.
If at some point in the future JTG decides to create a wholly new formula that genuinely serves people in a better way as an exclusively single function product, you can trust that I'll be completely transparent about it and *not* take advantage of the marketplace collusion that imagines tiny jars as overpriced miracles 😊
Just the Goods facial moisturizer for normal/sensitive skin, which can be used as eye cream, can be found here:
Please note that JTG doesn't recommend using body butter around the eyes because it is quite rich and may clog pores or trigger milia. JTG's extra rich lotion *might* be too rich for some, so it is also not recommended generally speaking.
Those allergic to avocado or aloe (two prominent ingredients in JTG's facial moisturizer for normal/sensitive skin) may consider using unscented hand/body lotion.

No. Just the Goods does not make products that perpetuate colourism or any other beauty standard associated with white supremacy.
Products: Body Care
Deciding between body butter, body oil, or body lotion ultimately comes down to your personal needs and preferences 😊
Body Butter
Body butter is made with a combination of oils that, when blended, stays solid at average room temperature. It contains no water. It is whipped to create a texture like a dense whipped cream. If it melts the bubbles disappear and the product turns into a balm. Body butter is thick and serves as a rich, long lasting moisturizer. Just the Goods’ body butter is blended with gluten-free tapioca to help reduce a greasy sensation. Still, this product is generally too thick to be used comfortably on hands. It is also not generally recommended that this product be used on the face since it could clog pores. However, some people report that they like using body butter on their face if they live in an extremely dry climate and/or use medications that are extremely dehydrating.
Just the Goods’ body butters are made with shea butter or cocoa butter. Shea is a nut, so it is not a safe choice for folks with nut allergies. Cocoa butter is made from cocoa beans, so it is nut-free. Both of these products are gluten-free. These products do not contain GMO-free soy-derived vitamin E. These products are blended by the batch, so customizations can not be offered.
Please note that the unscented version of these products means no scent has been added. The products smell like their ingredients: body butter with shea has a nutty undertone; nut-free body butter made with cocoa butter smells like cocoa.
These products are packed in glass jars and can not be used with a bottle pump.
Body Oil / Massage Oil
Body oil (also known as massage oil) is made with a combination of oils that always retains a liquid texture. It contains no water. This product can be used on the body or hands, but will require some time to fully absorb. It may leave a residue if not yet absorbed.
Just the Goods’ body oils are nut-free and gluten-free. These products are blended by the bottle, so if you need the GMO-free soy-derived vitamin E to be excluded, you may request that in the notes at checkout.
Please note that the unscented version of this product means no scent has been added. The product smells like its ingredients: grapeseed oil, safflower oil, and olive oil.
These products are packed in plastic or aluminum bottles and can be used with either a bottle pump or flip cap, both of which are available in the accessories section of this website.
Body Lotion
Body lotion (sometimes referred to has "hand or body cream" is made with a combination of oil, water, and other ingredients that help the skin hold the moisture so it doesn’t absorb too quickly (i.e. vegetable glycerin and/or aloe vera, depending on the formula). This product can be used on the body or hands and absorbs very quickly with no greasy residue.
Just the Goods’ body lotions (and facial moisturizers) are nut-free and gluten-free. They contain GMO-free soy-derived vitamin E. These products are blended by the batch, so customizations can not be offered.
Please note that the unscented version of this product means no scent has been added. The unscented version of this product is the most neutral smelling of all products because it is made with grapeseed oil, which is already quite neutral.
These products are packed in plastic or aluminum bottles. Reusable pumps recommended for use when this product is in aluminum. Use of a pump is optional with plastic bottles. Flip top caps are not recommended.
Re: Appearance of body and/or foot butter in jars:
Just the Goods whipped body butter is packed by weight, not volume, so jars containing batches that turn out more fluffy tend to look as if they are more full than jars containing batches that don’t have as much air whipped into them.
A number of factors determine how much air whips into a batch including: how long a batch rests in the freezer, temperature when whipping starts, how long the batch is whipped after the freezing process, or even how cold a batch was when it was packed into the jar and was sealed. These are issue that can be controlled in a mechanized/automated factory setting, but since handmade products involve human interaction, small differences from batch to batch can and do happen. The density, quantity and type of essential oils used in each recipe can also contribute differences between batches.
Please also note that jars are filled by hand using a spatula so each jar may look different when packed -- some will be filled closer to the bottom, some will be filled closer to the top. When I'm filling jars, the goal is to work quickly and to put the same weight of product into each jar. If a jar is packed slightly over 65g (i.e.1 - 3g) I won't scoop product out to create a uniform jar; however, if a jar is packed considerably more (3 - 10 g), I will adjust as necessary to make sure the amount of product packed is closer to 65 g.
TL;DR: All jars do contain the same weight of product... the only difference is that some jars may contain fewer microscopic air bubbles. Jars are packed by hand and each may appear different.
Re: shipping body and/or foot butter during hot weather:
Please note that this all natural product is made without artifical emulfisying agents to prevent it from melting during shipping in the summer. With that being said, Just the Goods has been shipping this product year 'round for the past 12 years and has observed that the shea butter and/or cocoa butter it contains is a resilient carrier oil capable of melting and solidifying multiple times without harming it's composition. As such, these products aren't considered damaged if they melt during shipping and are still perfectly good to use once they have recongealed into balm form. To do this, allow the product to rest in your fridge for approximately an hour. Yes, the texture will different because there won't be as many/any air bubbles trapped in the product from the whipping process, but the product itself is still completely fresh and will work in exactly the same way. Store remaining product in a cool, dry place to maximize longevity.
Attempting to clean delicate interior and/or exterior genital tissue with any sort of commercial product is not recommended because it can disrupt the natural balance of bacteria necessary for maintaining good health, which could ultimately lead to discomfort, pain, and/or infections. Please read more information about this here:
A medical health website:
An article from a mainstream publication:
A cool blog:
"Johnson & Johnson ordered to pay $72M to family in cancer-talcum powder case" (CBC News, February 24, 2016)
"Profiting from the Myths about Black Women's Bodies" by Omise'eke Natasha Tinsley (Time Magazine, April 6, 2016):
The only safe way to wash this area of you body is to use water. If you must douche, again, use water only. Or, if you need to douche for medical reasons, consult a doctor and/or naturopath -- For example, a very specific medical douche may be prescribed as part of transition surgery after care. Or, alternatively, a doctor might suggest a mild solution of apple cider vinegar and water to heal an overgrowth of problematic bacteria (i.e. candida albicans, also known as yeast). But please know that commercial ads for store shelf internal washes, sprays, etc. are designed to do one thing, and one thing only: shame people with vaginas into spending money on products they do not need. Take care of yourself and your long term health and simply shower daily using plenty of water.
Products: Hair Care
Switching to plastic-free shampoo bars can involve a slight learning curve to enjoy them in the best way possible.
- Place shampoo bar briefly under running warm water. Create lather in by rubbing the bar in your hands, then applying that lather to your scalp. Avoid rubbing the bar back and forth across your head/hair. A little goes a long way, so don’t use too much — the less you use, the easier it is to rinse out and the longer the bar will last.
- Focusing shampooing your scalp, then working down your hair in sections. Avoid piling your hair on top of your head to wash all at once as this may create tangles.
- Rinse thoroughly with warm water, directing water in a downward fashion to reduce tangling
- If you're using a conditioner bar, follow the same steps as above to create a lotio texture in your hand, then apply that to the lengths of your hair in sections. Allow conditioner to absorb for a minute or two before rinsing as described above.
- Alternatively, spray hair and scalp with Just the Goods’ leave in conditioning spray; allow the product to absorb for a minute or two, then gently comb using a wide tooth comb or a hair brush designed for detangling in the shower. Note: Some like to follow with leave in conditioner, even after applying and rinsing conditioner bar.
- Remember to pat your shampoo and conditioner bars dry with a towel before storing them in a dry location to help them last as long as possibe
- Dry and style hair as usual 😊
Just the Goods' hair care products have not been tested officially in a variety of scenarios with respect to colour treatment/processing (i.e. permanent, gloss, semi-permanent, wash in, henna, stripped before color (or not), etc). As such, it's not really possible to say one way or the other since what is safe for one person's circumstances may not be for someone else.
Clary sage is an ingredient found in some hair care products specifically designed for colour-treated hair, and yarrow is colloquially believed to reverse grey hair back to blonde (although there is no scientific evidence to support such a claim). Ultimately, it may be best to conduct a strand test to determine suitability.
Please ntoe: Just the Goods carries plastic-free hair care products by Jack59, including shampoo and conditioner designed specifically for processed blonde hair:
This product is meant to be used a few drops at a time on your whole head of hair because that is generally enough to keep flyaways down. Using more than that will cause hair to be weighted down and oily. Folks with thicker hair may need more than a few drops; fine hair needs one or two at most.
Many of the ingredients found in products designed to thicken hair or stimulate new hair growth are typically ones that fall into the medical/pharmaceutical category, whereas Just the Goods focuses on products that are more conventionally cosmetics. As such, Just the Goods does not make or sell products of this nature. However, JTG can help to reduce breakage, largely through the offering of products that can help to keep hair well moisturized.
For example, Just the Goods deep conditioning mask:
Beyond this, I’d like to recommend washing hair as infrequently as possible but, when doing so, using both a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner. For example, Jack59’s Restore shampoos and conditioners: (sample sizes are available for both).
If your hair is very prone to tangling, Just the Goods’ leave in conditioner can help;
One more suggestion: use a wide tooth brush or comb to minimize breakage, and to always avoid brushing your hair while it's wet.... a wide tooth comb is best in that situation, but this brush is better than most
I hope this is helpful!! 😊
Flaky scalp can be caused by a variety of things including:
- dry scalp (dehydrating products, or need for more hydration in the body)
- eczema or dermatitis (sensitivity to the products currently being used)
- dandruff (bacterial)
- psoriasis (a disorder linked to autoimmune illness)
As a result, how to manage flaky scalp depends on the cause of the issue. If you're unsure which of the above applies to you, it may be helpful to consider how often and under what circumstances the flaking occurrs, or not. It might also be helpful to look at pictures of different circumstances to identify which is most likely to be affecting you.
Sometimes the problem can be solved by using gentle, plant-based products; at other times a more specific medical intervention is reqiured.
In the case of simple dry, flaking scalp, the following products may be helpful:
More complex eczema may benefit from:
Products: Perfume
Aromatherapy is the practice of using scent to support emotions or energy levels. For example, lavender is calming; peppermint is invigorating and energizing.
JTG's aromatherapeutic oils are developed taking into consideration how a scent will encourage someone to feel, rather than how the scent will wear on the body, especially since some people will choose to use the oils not as perfume/cologne, but as something to smell directly from the bottle.
JTG's fragrance line is designed more conventionally like perfume/cologne to be worn on the body.
All JTG scents are gender neutral. The best way to choose an aromatherapeutic oil is to consider the name of the variety, while also checking to see which ingredients appeal to you most. The best way to choose a perfume/fragrance for your body is to see which ingredients appeal to you: citrus, fresh herbs, woods, florals, etc.
Samples of JTG's primary range of aromatherapeutic and perfume/fragrance oils are made available so folks can try them on their bodies and decide if they like how it smells with their unique chemistry. Please find them here: From time to time Just the Goods makes limited edition aromatherapeutic and perfume/fragrance oils, but they often don't have sample sizes because only a small quantity is made available for purchase, and because they often sell out quickly.
Just the Goods aromatherapeutic and perfume/fragrance oils are blended using essential oils and never contain synthetic fixatives or propellants. This means JTG's oils will smell different on each person because they'll mix with the individual chemistry of the wearer -- the way they smell inside the bottle doesn't necessarily smell the same way on the body. As such, it is always recommended to try samples first before diving into full size products, especially if you're not sure which ones you'd like best.
Please note that the absence of propellants and fixatives means scent will wear close to the body, and will need to be reapplied more frequently than conventional synthetic scent.
Just the Goods' perfume oils are made from natural plant-based ingredients such as essential oils, absolutes, and attars.
Traditionaly musk is derived from the glandular secretions of various animals (likewise castoreum and civet). Most mainstream perfumers don't use these materials anymore, and opt for synthetic varieties instead. Since I don't use any synthetics, I don't have any scents that contain musk-like elements. Yes, plant-based "musks" do exist. For example, musk ambrette is a plant derived ingredient that has musk-like keytones, but unfortunately it isn't considered safe for contact with skin and was banned by the EU in 1995, so it's not something I'd consider using in my products since my focus is not only plant-based ingredients, but specifically safe plant based ingredients (i.e. no neurotoxic datura, etc).
With respect to gender and perfume, it's important to note that perfume as a word/concept isn't inherently "feminine" by nature; likewise, "cologne" doesn't infer "masculine".
In fact, the distinction between cologne and other types of perfume is determined according to the amount of scented oil (i.e. essential oils, attars, synthetic scent molecules, etc) used in a given fragrance relative to the base/carrier (i.e. alcohol or oil). Where mass market (usually synthetic) fragrances are concerned, "cologne" simply refers to the lowest amount of fragrance in products -- approximately 3-4% perfume oil. Comparatively, "eau de toilette" contains 5-8% perfume oil, and products labelled as "parfum" are contain approximately 15-25% perfume oil. These words are not gender specific.
By their very nature, plant-based perfume ingredients such as essential oil, absolutes, and attars do not typically last as long on skin as their animal-based counterparts*. In fact -- apart from seeking to create molecules that are always completely identical, as well as a way to make scent more affordable and thus profitable -- this is one of the things that motivated the creation of synthetic fragrance ingredients.
The amount of time scent may linger on skin varies from person to person based on their natural chemistry. However, the amount of time a perfume may last on skin also varies depending on how many and what type of base notes are used. Plant-derived base notes include things like patchouli, amber, and labdanum.
Many have asked if there is a way to make plant-based perfumes last longer, but I don’t know of a safe and effective way to do this without synthetic intervention. However, if you're not vegan, you could try applying an unscented beeswax lip balm as a primer to the areas you'd like to apply the scent because beeswax is one of a few natural ingredients that let plant-based ingredients last longer on skin specifically because it acts like an occlusive, which means its an ingredient that can lengthen the amount of time before the plant based oils are absorbed into the skin. Thick, unrefined plant based butters such as shea and cocoa can also do this, but they are often heavy with their own inherent scents, thus impacting the composition of the perfume itself so while some folks may like to explore this, I don’t necessarily recommend it.
Having said all this, please know the beeswax trick doesn’t work for everyone and, even for those who find it does work, their mileage may vary. It’s unlikely to add more than an hour to scent wear time.
Another option to make scent last longer on the body is not to use it on skin, but apply it to hair, instead. An easy way to do this is to put a few drops of perfume onto a hair brush before running that brush through one’s hair.
There are many reasons why plant based perfume is a unique journey unlike what one may experience with synthetic perfume, and duration of scent on skin is one of them. The best way to begin a journey into natural, plant-based perfume is to release expectations established from using synthetic perfume in the past, and approach each scent as if through new eyes, or nose. Natural ingredients wear close to the body (/have very little sillage -- the scent doesn't linger in space around you) and they do not last long. In many ways, respecting their fleeting fragility is part of appreciating the plants from which the perfume was derived.
Enjoy your journey!
*Castoreum, civet, ambergris, and musk are examples of animal-based glandular ingredients that are now almost exclusively replaced with petro-chemical based synthetics. Just the Goods perfumes are all plant-based/vegan, and are always made without synthetics of any kind.
Just the Goods perfume and aromtherapeutic oils are made from essential oils and attars that have been diluted in refractionated coconut oil so they can be safely worn on the body. Since they are diluted in a carrier oil, this means they can not be used in a diffuser without risk of damaging the diffuser. Only undiluted essential oils should be used in diffusers 😊
Helpful tips
If it is your first time trying extraction tools on your face, it might be a good idea to find a reliable video tutorial online to watch best practices in action. Just the Goods doesn't offer a video, but I can share with you my approach, which may vary from that of others. My recommendations are as follows
- Cleanse hands and face
- Cleanse tools with rubbing alcohol
- Place the wider circle press shape over a comedone and apply equal pressure around the spot in attempt to release what has built up under the skin
- If nothing will come out, but there's clearly something there, use a hot compress (i.e. a washcloth saturated with hot water) to open the pore before trying again. Be careful to not burn your hands or face.
- If still nothing will come out, try using the hook shaped popper to gently find and press into the clogged pore. When done correctly, the skin will not break causng bleeding because no new hole has been introduced to the skin. Others may choose to use a straight pointed tool rather than the hook shaped popper, but I prefer the latter because I have poor eyesight and need to stand very close to a mirror to perform an extraction. Extraction kits typically offer a range of tool shapes specifically for this type of accommodation.
- Upon confirming the location of the comedone and potentially loosening it in the pore, try the wide circle tool again to push out the build up. If the build up won't clear, stop and try again later after giving skin time to rest and recover. It may take multiple efforts to dislodge the comedone.
- The thin wire triangle shape is helpful as a preventative tool -- using moderate and even pressure, drag it across the space between the eyebrows in uniform horizontal lines to press out sebum before it turns into a lump under the skin. Other areas of the face where it can be helpful to do this include at the sides of the nostrils, the flat surface of the chin directly under the lower lip.
- Always sanitize tools before putting them back into their protective case to keep them clean and reduce risk of injury.
Remember to avoid breaking the skin around the clogged pore because that can lead to bleeding and scabbing or infection. It's better to wait a day or two than to risk an infection or scar.
Folks with bigger blackheads or soft white heads may find they need/prefer other tools. Again, the main thing is to make sure the tools are well cleaned with rubbing alcohol before and after use to avoid transferring bacteria.
Watching dried flower petals and leaves float across the surface of your bathtub while they infuse their botanical goodness into bath water can be a calming experience unto itself. However, when it comes to draining the tub, folks may sometimes wonder how to avoid allowing those lovely particles to slide down and potentially clog the drain. There are two very easy solutions to this, and the one you choose will likely depend on the style of your tub and drain.
If you have a deep drain without a drain cover, you can set a tea cup/mug strainer into the drain immediately upon pulling the stopper, allowing the botanicals to become trapped in the strainer instead of flowing down the drain.
If you have a tub with a quick release cover, or a shallow drain that won't fit a tea strainer, you can skim the herbs from the surface of the bath water before releasing the drain.
Thanks for this question!
For approximately 10 years Just the Goods offered the same type of pump and they were always very easy to unlock and re-lock while inserted into the bottle. For some reason that we're unable to confirm (Supply chain? A different model being offered as the previous one?) the pumps we have now, although they're the same manufacturer and appearance, need to be unlocked *before* they are inserted into the bottle.
We try to unlock all of the pumps prior to shipping; however, sometimes we're moving so quickly to keep up and ship a high volume of orders on time that we don't always remember.
In this silent video, you'll find out how to unlock bottle pumps *and* how to trim them if we didn't know which bottle your purchased pump was for, so we couldn't do it for you before shipping.
With respect to the straw length of bottle pumps -- we offer pumps for 4 oz and 8 oz bottles made from both plastic and aluminum. As you'll see in the video, the bottle heights and circumferences are different so, even though the large plastic and the large aluminum bottles are both 8 oz, the pumps fit into them differently. There is no need to trim the long 8 oz pump tube if it's going into the aluminum bottle, but you may need to trim some length from the tube if you'll be using it with the plastic bottle.
In the case of 4 oz bottles, pumps need to be trimmed: a small amount for the plastic bottle, and a bit more for the aluminum one.
We trim bottle pumps while packing orders if it is obvious which pump is intended for which bottle. If pumps are ordered without an obvious correlation, we apply a sticker to the paper bag noting on it a link to the video below. Please find here how to correctly trim bottle pumps according to bottle option.
Remember to always use sharp, clean scissors and cut in a direction facing away from your body.
I hope you find this helpful! 😊 Thanks!
- These bottle pumps are designed to lock/unlock. To unlock the pump, first look for the arrow graphic embossed on the top of each pump head showing the direction to twist the head so the pump can open. Next, ensure the pump is securely placed into its bottle, then finally turn the head of the pump in the direction of the arrow to release the spring so the pump may pop up. To lock the pump, press down while turning the head in the opposite direction of the arrow.
- The straw of the pump may not be pressed firmly enough into the base of the pumping mechanism, which could be allowing air to flow into the pump, disrupting the pull of lotion into the pump. Ensure the straw is well pushed into the base of the pumping mechanism by pushing the straw upward into the hole at the bottom of the mechanism.
- If you're using a pump with an aluminum bottle, you may notice they have a raised bottom, which helps to provide stability to the form. If the pump is making contact with the highest part of the bottom of the bottle, that surface may be plugging the tube preventing lotion from rising up through the pump. To reset the location of the tube, please try unscrewing the pump from the bottle, lifting the whole tube out of the bottle, then re-inserting it on an angle so the pump is more likely to land on the perimeter / side edge of the bottom, rather than on the centre. This will allow more space between the bottom of the bottle and the bottom of the tube so there is room for the lotion to flow up into the tube and through the spout.
- Does the pump not work when transferred from one bottle to another? This could be due to air collected in the straw. Upon insertion into a new bottle, press the pump head repeatedly to draw lotion back into the straw -- this could mean as many as 10 or 15 times in succession to regain the pressure needed to achieve lotion flow.
The way to manage your Just the Goods subscription is through any of the links provided in any email from Recharge, the service that schedules subscriptions for Just the Goods since Shopify didn't have it's own management feature back when I I first started offereing subscriptions. For your convenience, the link in any of those emails can be bookmarked in your browse for future reference and to visit at any time.
If you are sure you have a subscription but can't find any emails from Recharge in your inbox, please check your spam folder. If you can't find any emails in your spam folder, please feel free to contact me -- I'll find and send a link to your subscription portal to you. Thank you!
Thanks for your interest in Just the Goods! Get in touch in any of the following ways:
- Using the contact form on this website (click on the word "contact" in the headder, footer, or by using this link:
- Replying to any email from Just the Goods' including autogenerated messages and newsletters
- Via direct message on social media:
What is your phone number?
I don't share a phone number because I'm hearing impaired and can't process voice by phone. It also wouldn't be possible for me to answer a phone or respond to live chat while making products, so email and messaging is a more effective means of communication.
What is your email address?
I do not publish an email address because of the absolutely shocking amount of spam I receive every day including -- but not limited to -- unsolicited marketing, phishing, and scams. It is hard for me to find and reply to your messages when they are buried under unwanted content.
Please check your spam folder to ensure messages from reach you. This is especially true for users of Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail, and AOL. Thanks!
In short, probably not.
In more detail, Just the Goods is a direct-to-consumer project offering handmade skin and body care products at public wholesale rates via JTG works with some retail partners in Winnipeg and elsewhere but -- as retailers have closed over the years -- I haven't sought new partners to replace them since few shops can offer anywhere close to the 160+ formula regularly available at this website. in that respect, and to keep product prices as low as possible at this website, it has ultimately worked better for everyone to make this website the primary source for all things Just the Goods 😊
Still, a list of JTG's current retailers can be found here:
More information about JTG's unique public wholesale pricing can be found here:
Thank you!
Please find information about Just the Goods' retail partners here:
Update February 2023: With apologies, Just the Goods is currently unable to undertake any new retail partnerships. Please feel welcome to subscribe to Just the Goods' newletter ( or follow for updates. Thank you!
Thank you for your interest in offering Just the Goods on a retail basis, or as part of a service at your spa/massage therapy clinic.
About Just the Goods
Information about Just the Goods can be found at; however, I'd be happy to highlight the following details:
- All Just the Goods products are handmade by me personally on a made-to-order basis; there is no off-site production (i.e. private label manufacturing), and no fulfilment warehouses. Products are shipped from my site after an average of 5 - 10 business days production lead time (except around particularly busy times such as during winter holidays, or throughout the entirety of the Covid-19 pandemic, in all honesty). Parcels to the US are collected by a third-party broker on Wednesdays and Fridays so that they may be carried into the US as USPS Domestic mail rather than International mail.
- Just the Goods products are made without artificial preservatives. Some products are more naturally shelf-stable than others because they don't include water or carrier oils that are easily prone to rancidity. Other formulas are more fragile (i.e. facial moisturizer/hand and body lotion). As such, I recommend Just the Goods products be treated somewhat like fresh produce in that they should be purchased in smaller quantities more frequently to ensure freshness for retail consumers.
As you may already know, Just the Goods is comprised of two lines:
- Over 130+ are offered as "Just the Goods", the original range, which is plant-based and cruelty free, but not certified organic. Most (but not all) of the products in this range are available to retail partners. These handmade products are offered at public wholesale rates on my website; distributors/retailers are entitled to some reductions, but overall they are invited to mark up products at their own discretion reflecting their individual needs/market allowances. Please find more information about Just the Goods' public wholesale pricing policy here:
- Fourteen products + samples in another line called "petal, leaf, root. by Just the Goods" have been designed as a higher-end artisanal range with certified organic ingredients and premium packaging that also serves to protect the products from sunlight while on a retail shelf. This range has been priced with retail distribution in mind; still, retailers are most welcome to sell at whatever price point is most suitable for their needs. More information about that line can be found here:
This newer range, “petal, leaf, root. by Just the Goods” is best designed for partnership with retailers for the variety of reasons above. They may also be easiest to incorporate into a potentially drop shipping arrangement
About your company
I’d love to learn more about you/your company, and which Just the Goods products you have in mind to offer either on a retail basis or in the context of a spa treatment. Do you have any social media accounts? Please share them with me 😊
If retail:
- What geographical regions does your company serve?
- Does your company focus on re-distribution to skin care professionals, or is it open to the general public?
- Are you interested in offering consumer format products, or refill format?
- Are you seeking to retain inventory, or enter a drop shipping arrangement? I don't currently offer drop shipping, but might be open to discussing possibilities depending on the type of product, required shippng time, etc.
- What other types of products or services are you selling? Please note that I avoid Just the Goods being stocked alongside MLM brands and weight loss/cleanse products
Please note Just the Goods products are not to be offered on marketplace websites such as Amazon, eBay, etc.
If spa:
- Where is your spa/massage therapy clinic located?
- What services do you offer?
Thank you again for your interest! Please get in touch using Just the Goods' contact form for further information.
With all best,
Thank you for wanting to share a review of your experience using Just the Goods! I've thought about adding a review app to, but I keep getting spam emails offering package deals on "real reviews from real people", so that has made me wonder about the veracity of any review I see on any website.
While searching for more information about fake reviews, I came across an article published by the BBC about a very large Texas based skin care company somehow avoiding a fine from the US Federal Trade Commission for directing it's managerial team to leave fake positive reviews/dislike negative reviews on a very large retail website that starts with "S". I've also read testimony from folks admitting to leaving positive reviews in exchange for money or free product, regardless of their true opinions about said products.
Having said that, I always welcome folks to share pics of their order, or comment on social media -- JTG's Instagram is @just.the.goods and JTG's Facebook is @justthegoods 😊. Alternatively, if you're okay with me sharing a screenshot of our conversation via email or DM, that works great, too!
And, an archive of media coverage, blog posts, podcasts and interviews can be found here:
Thanks for your interest! Just the Goods does not offer an affiliate marketing program, nor is Just the Goods currently engaged in any promotional activities of that nature (ie. working with paid influencers). If this changes, it will be annouced through Just the Goods social media accounts:
IG: @just.the.goods
Thank you again!
Thank you for your interest in Just the Goods!
My policy -- since I receive hundreds (*and hundreds*) of requests each year for social media promotional collaboration/complimentary samples for review/giveaway items from bloggers, estheticians, retailers, photographers, etc. -- is to provide requesting individuals with more free samples than usual if/when they place an order.
I was compelled to establish this limit on what I send out by virtue of the fact that I must keep my overhead costs down in order to continue providing products at the lowest cost possible (for information on how Just the Goods is priced, please visit:
With that said, the cost of product samples isn't an issue as much as the cost of shipping, especially since I never quite know whether someone will *actually* review products once received... at least, this is my observation after 14.5 years in operation/working with clients in 56 countries worldwide.
For examples of bloggers with whom I've collaborated in the way described above, please visit: Please also see #justthegoods on Instagram, and my story highlights.
If you'd like to proceed in this way, please send a message with your name, city, and links to your socials, and we'll go from there 🙂
Thank you again and all best,
Just the Goods products are priced at public wholesale rates in Canadian dollars, so the product cost is not artifically inflated to conceal the real price of shipping in order to create the illusion of cheap or free shipping. For more information on how Just the Goods products are priced as part of my overall commitment to ethical transparency please visit:
For information about why I don't list with Amazon, please visit this post: Yes, Environmental Working Group's EWG Verified Program did invite Just the Goods to join their Amazon portal, but Amazon doesn't align with the pro-social values that guide my operations, so I declined the opportunity.
I hope this is helpful information!
Thanks for this question!
Just the Goods offered a deposit return / container re-use program for glass mason jars during the first five years of operation (2009 - 2014), but unfortunately it didn't work because containers were too frequently returned in unusable condition (chipped or cracked glass, rusted lids, etc.).
With respect to plastic, despite High Density Poly Ethylene (HDPE #2 plastic) being the safest and most stable variety available for consumer packaging, it can not withstand the heat required for adequate sterilization for reuse. Folks may choose to reuse this packaging in their own homes at their own discretion, but safe manufacturing standards in Canada indicate that it is not possible to reuse HDPE plastic, even if it’s going back to the same customer, which is near impossible to track given the logistics of production.
If you live in Winnipeg:
In lieu of my earlier attempt at a re-use program, a number of Just the Goods products are now available in refill format at Refill Market on Notre Dame so, if you'd like, you can refill your containers there! Please be sure your containers are completely cleaned and thoroughly dry before attempting to reuse them because any residual water content in your packging will cause refilled product to spoil prematurely.
If you are located outside of Winnipeg:
Since the carbon cost of returning an empty bottle to me very much outweighs the benefit of reusing it locally -- thereby creating an environmental defecit rather than a gain -- I recommend reusing packaging at home, donating clean empties to your local refill shop or another maker, and/or recycling them as part of your local program.
With all that said, most Just the Goods products are now available in plastic free options. Aluminum is the most widely recycled material on Earth due to it's high commodity value, so I recommend choosing Just the Goods products in aluminum instead of plastic whenever possible to faciliate this best possible closed loop option 😊
For further information about Just the Goods efforts to become plastic-free, please visit:
I hope this is helpful information! Thank you!