Media, blogs, podcasts + interviews
- Even though Just the Goods products are deliberately designed as gender neutral, I do appreciate that sometimes "guys" need to be reminded that it's okay to do things/use things and that they'll be just fine 😅 Thank you, John, for your very comprehensive review of Just the Goods' hand and body lotion as published at Toss the Tox on January 18, 2025. Find it here:
- Thank you, Calile, for including Just the Goods in two categories of your website recommending safer products for Skin & Oral Care! Visit the complete list here:
- What an awesome shout-out as part of "These Are the 14 Best Natural Faces Washes for Clean Skin, According to Testers: Plant-based formulas for squeaky-clean pores" written by Daley Quinn and Esme Benjamin for on April 23, 2024. Check it out:
- Thank you for this shoutout, JR Culpepper + EWG! It's a pleasure to offer EWG VERIFIED beard oil! Find the November 15, 2023 newsletter item here: It’s no-shave November, not no-care November: Caring for your facial hair
- On October 1, 2023 listed Just the Goods as part of a post titled "28 ACTUALLY Clean Non-Toxic Skincare Brands". Find the complete text here: And, later on October 12, 2023 Just the Good was also mentioned in a post titled "Non-Toxic and Pregnancy-Safe Perfumes": Thank you so much, Anna!
. - Thank you, Eco.wiser for sharing your list of top 10 safest perfumes on September 20, 2023. Find the complete list here:
. - On February 13, 2023, Ashley Basla of Deliberately Considerate invited me to chat with her. Please find our interview togerher here: and archived here:
. - After a surprisingly high influx of new orders, I finally discovered why! Thank you, Environmental Working Group, for your blog post about synthetic petroleum-based "fragrance" shared on Feb 1, 2023. Find it here:
. - So lovely to read Olivia Young's shout out for Just the Goods' beard and cuticle oil in Shuki Waste Not's article "Nontoxic Manicure Essentials" available here: Thank you!
. - Oh wow! Thank you, Kelly Felder, for choosing Just the Goods to fill the number 1 spot in your list "Top 10 Best Beard Oil Products : Ultimate Buyer Guide in November 2022" as publised at I deeply appreciate the detail put into your research! So cool! Find it here:
. - On March 27, 2022, Leah Segedie shared a post titled "“Best” Ranked Personal Care Products via Mamavation". Find it here:
. - Thank you Tammie Ortlieb for your article "The Best Vegan Bath Salts and Soaks" published Mar 17, 2022 in VegOut Magazine online! Find it here:
- How amazing to discover Just the Goods listed as the number one gift idea in "12 Days of Vegan Gift Ideas: Women-Owned Stocking Stuffers" by Jocelyn Martinez, Associate Editor of VegNews! Wow! I'm honoured! Thank you!! Please find here the newsletter shared on Wednesday, Dec 22, 2021:[UNIQID]
- Thank you so much, Andrea, for including a selection of both Just the Goods and petal, leaf, root. by Just the Goods products in your epic holiday gift guide! Being part of the 10th anniversary of this Mommy Gearest guide feels extra special - I'm so grateful! Please find it here, published on November 17 2021:
. - I couldn't contain my joy when I read "The 9 Best All-Natural Moisturizers for Sensitive Skin" by Leigh Matthews shared on LeafScore November 5, 2021. I am so grateful that Leigh chose Just the Goods vegan hand + body lotion and body butters as LeafScore's top pick! The article surveys not only the product's ingredients, but how it's packaged and ships. Thank you for seeing everything Just the Goods is trying to do to make healthier products for our bodies and the planet more accessible! Find the full text here:
- Thank you so much, Mihae Jung, for mentioning Just the Goods as part of your text, "I left my health policy job to stop being so pissed, now I’m even more pissed trying to family plan" published at on September 27, 2021. It means so much that my work resonnates with you! Thank you!
. - What an honour for Just the Goods Vegan Hand & Body lotion to be recognized in the "Best Body Care" category of Treehugger's Best of Green Awards 2021: Green Beauty and Personal Care compiled by Treehugger Editors and fact checked by Haley Mast. The article was updated June 22, 2021. Please find it here:
. - Many thanks to Ciao! for including Just the Goods in the article "be green, buy green" featured as part of their May/June 2021 issue, pp 6 - 7. Available online here:
- Thank you, Patricia Maroday, for including Just the Goods in your article for Oops Vegan called "op 6 Cruelty-Free And Vegan Makeup Brands". There isn't a date, but I'm going to guess it's from some time in 2020 🙂 Find it here:
- It's a pleasure to be included in "Hope for the Holidays: QuickBooks small business gift guide" published Dec 3, 2020. So many great things here! Check it out:
- Thank you Leigh for highlighting Just the Goods in your comprehensive article, "The Best All Natural Moisturizers For Sensitive Skin" published at on November 22, 2020.
. - I love this shout out for JTG's Eucalyptus Twist in "Smell Good Without the Bad Stuff: 10 Phthalate-Free Perfumes We Love" posted by Kiersten Frase (Medically reviewed by Dr. Gina Maria Jansheski MD FAAP) on May 19 2020 (updated on November 2, 2020) at Hello Glow! Find it here:
. - Thank you for sharing your daily skincare routine including Just the Goods! Visit "Clean Skincare Guide | 2020" in Meghan Winter Crull's The Sunlight: (Oct 29, 2020)
- What a delight to see Ashley include Just the Goods in her list of non-toxic perfumes in "The Ultimate Guide to Non-Toxic Personal Care Products" shared in October 22, 2020. Thank you!! Find it here:
. - Thank you for including Just the Goods in your latest book, Meadow! "Detox your Place: Room by Room Remedies for Nontoxic Living" by Meadow Shadowhawk is scheduled to be released by Microcosom Publishing (Portland, OR) on August 11, 2020 -- ebook and hardcopy pre-orders now available.
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.I loved watching "Switching my skincare routine during quarantine!! + Just The Goods review!" published by Juliana Brittney on April 2, 2020. Check it out:
. - On February 28, 2020, "8 Hotels That Celebrate Important Women" by Deborah Lev-Tov highlighted one of our fantastic partners, The Herwood Inn in Woodstock New York, and kindly mentioned/linked to Just the Goods. So cool! Check it out here:
. - Thank you to EcoParent Magazine for their generous feature of petal, leaf, root. by Just the Goods as part of "Get with the Plant Powered Program" in their Spring 2020 issue (p 34). Visit them at:
- January 10, 2020 Leah Segedie mentioned Just the Goods in an article at called "Best & Worst Non-Toxic Body Lotion" .... Just the Goods lotions and butters were included in the "best" list, but you already knew that ;-) Find more information here:
. - Thank you QuickBooks Canada Team for including Just the Goods in your article, "What’s in the Box? A guide to our curated box of Canadian goods" (November 2019)
- On August 5, 2019 Avishai El kindly mentioned Just the Goods in her podcast Avi Unfiltered. Check out "Episode 202: Little Scalp of Horrors" for discussion about harmful ingredients in hair styling products and the importance of working with a stylist who actually cares about your health. Find it here:
- Thank you Erica Rascon for your thoughtful review of JTG's About Face kit in the YouTube video "Awesome Vegan Skincare for Face & Body by Small Businesses" shared on August 4, 2019. Click here to check it out:
- Thank you I am Mama Bear Living for mentioning Just the Goods in "Non-toxic Facial Cleansers" on July 4, 2019.
. - Lisa May Francisco interviewed me for a piece called "Just the Goods" that appeared in QuickBook's online magazine, "The Storefront" hosted on Medium. Find it here: (published Jun 20, 2019)
- Thank you again for the latest shout out, "10 effective products to get rid of acne" was published on June 10, 2019. Find it here:
. - Aw, how kind is it when your US shipping partner mentions you in their blog list the top ten places to spend your income tax refund? Check out Easyship's post: "10 Easyship Merchants You Want to Spend Your Tax Refund On" shared by Jules April 18, 2019:
. - Thank you Caitlin and Leaping Bunny Program for kindly shouting out petal, leaf, root. by Just the Goods' facial serum for normal/sensitive skin in your blog's March 28, 2019 edition of "Cruelty-Free Product Reviews". Find it here:
. - Another wonderful surprise! On February 5, 2019, published an article by Tess Rose Lampert called "This is the Healthiest Cleanser for Your Face: Keep your skin healthy with this safe cleansing routine" and the article mentioned one face wash only... Just the Goods. WOW! Check it out here:
- Brooklyn Decker kindly gave a shout out to JTG on Mom Brain, a podcast co-hosted by Hilaria Baldwin and Daphne Oz. Check out "Redefining Self Care With Brooklyn Decker" released on Jan 16, 2019
. - On January 4, 2019 The Natural Beauty Blog shared a post called "The 5 Best Natural and Organic Face Cleansers 2019". FInd it here:
. - On September 13, 2018 The Natural Beauty Blog shared: "Just the Goods Vegan Face Wash Review". Find it here:
. - Ethical Bunny Asks: "Is Just The Goods cruelty free?" .... the answer is yes! Review our correspondence from August 2018 here:
. - Thank you to Amber Keinath, PCOS Nurse, for mentioning Just the Goods in your post titled Is Your Skin Care + Beauty Routine Making Your PCOS Worse? posted February 2018. See it here:
. - The Natural Beauty Blog posted an article on January 8, 2018 titled "The 5 Best Natural and Organic Face Cleansers 2018" and included Just the Goods among them. So cool! Find it here:
. - On November 18, 2017, Lynn Z of shared "Just the Goods {Review}". Click here to check it out:
. - On October 13, 2017 Anne Gabillet mentioned Just the Goods' EWG Verified Perfumes in the article "Why Expecting Women Should Make This 1 Major Beauty Change For a Toxic-Free Pregnancy" on Find it here:
. - Just the Goods' facial moisturizer makes the cut in Nadia Murray Ragg's post "10 Vegan Lip Balms and Moisturizing Creams for Winter Skin" on October 12 at
. - Thanks for your enthusiastic review of Just the Goods, Allison Rivera! Find the video posted September 2, 2017:
- Deepest thanks to Amber for her post "The 10 Best Cruelty-Free Companies for Animal Lovers" shared on June 24, 2017 wherein she gives JTG such an awesome shout out! Aw, thank you!
. - "Detox Your Bathroom of Toxic Chemicals: 5 Steps + EWG Product Recommendations" by Erin was added to on July 19, 2017. Find it here:
. - On May 29, 2017 posted the lovliest things about Just the Goods' body scrubs as part of a post called "My Favourite Things in the Shower" available here:
. - On May 12, 2017 Danny Katz of Colorado Public Interest Research Foundation released "CoPIRG Foundation Provides Tips for Toxic-Free Mother's Day" with a link to a guide that recommends Just the Goods' aromatherapy oils and fragrance. Find it here:
. - Erin Gallagher held Just the Goods in very high regard in a post titled "All Natural Beauty Product Favorites" shared on May 11, 2017 via HC at Minnesota. Find it here:
. - My Vegan Dreams shared "10 Vegan Face Wash Brands" on May 10, 2017 at
. - Just the Goods Vegan Face Wash for Normal/Sensitive skin received special attention from in a post titled "The Best Natural and Organic Face Cleansers 2017" shared on May 3, 2017 at
. - Amanda tracked her efforts to find the perfect natural deodorant in "Natural Deodorant: a journey not for the faint heart (trust me)" and decided Just the Goods was her new go-to! Check out her post at A Little of This & A Little of That on March 22, 2017 here:
. - On March 20, 2017 Deanne shared a great post called Etsy Sellers of Manitoba at which included a shout out to Just the Goods. Thank you!!
. - "20 Paraben Free and Organic Skincare Brands You Fall in Love With" gave a special shout out to Just the Goods and JTG's limited edition matcha, lavender and jasmine face mask in This post appears to be posted some time in 2017... I couldn't find a date ;)
. - So amazing to see a user in San Francisco provide a very detailed response to a question at including a recommendation for facial care products by Just the Goods some time in 2017. Find it here:
- At some point in 2016, Cafe Mom kindly included Just the Goods' perfume in their post "15 Safe-for-Your-Face Beauty Products We Feel Good About". I wish I could find the date, but I'm kinda guessing based on the photo ;-)
. - On November 30, 2016, Aviva posted a great article to called "How to have a cruelty-free Christmas". Find it here!
. - What a nice surprise to receive a shout out from Arabic website in November. Find the "7 Products For Acne Treatment" here: (Please note that I don't actually recommend that this product be used on the entire face -- It is for spot care only).
. - Thank you Adeline Bird for welcoming me to a guest on your fabulous podcast, Soul Unexpected, on November 9, 2016! Find the blog post and links to the podcast here:
- Asja shared her experience discovering and enjoying Just the Goods. Read her post shared on August 9, 2016 here:
. - On June 2016 Brittany Thiessen shared her camping packing list and included Just the Goods products among her preferred toiletries while enjoying the great outdoors. Find it at Brittany's Adventures here:
. - Sunny of Vegan Beauty Review has a chance to check out the many exciting things in the EWG VERIFIED box and shared her favourites on May 13, 2016, which included Just the Goods' vegan body butter. Yay! Such a cool shout out!! Find the whole post here:
. - Megan Stokes shared her thoughts about the contents of EWG VERIFIED prize box and offered special mention to Just the Goods's body butter in "Beauty products giveaway and favourites: EWG VERIFIED" On May 11, 2016. Thanks so much! Find the piece (including a beautiful image) here:
. - Thanks so much to Le-Happy for her great shout out to JTG's vegan body butter -- I'm so glad she liked it and I love the pic, too! Find details this post dated May 10 2016:
. - Angela Lanter of Hello Gorgeous recently received a box of EWG VERIFIED goodies and had kind things to say about Just the Goods + posted lovely pics of her using my products. Check out her post "Healthy Beauty Options" published on April 29, 2016:
- Jess of Love for Lacquer gave special mention to JTG's lavender, bergamot and ylang ylang body butter as part of her piece about the many EWG VERIFIED products she tried. Find the piece from April 26 here:
- Thanks to Living Pretty Naturally for sharing her thoughts on JTG's Wild Woods perfume oil - I'm so glad she liked it, although I do feel dreadful about the perfume bottle leaking! On the upside, this has prompted me to find and acquire new perfume bottles! I'll be making the switch very, very soon! Find the post from some time at the end of April 2016 here: (I couldn't find a date to be more accurate)
.I was interviewed by Vegan Trade Council and the text was shared on April 25, 2016. Find it here:
. - To help celebrate Earth Day, Yahoo Beauty's senior writer, Beth Greenfield, wrote "Happy Earth Day! How to Make Sense of Eco-Friendly Labels on Beauty Products" on April 21, 2016. So cool to see Just the Goods get special mention in relation to EWG VERIFIED. View the article here:
. - Sustainable Brands gives special mention to Just the Goods in "EWG Verified 125 Products with 'Best Manufacturing Practices'" on April 5, 2016. Find details here:
- The Allergy Free Wife kindly listed Just the Goods hand and body lotion as her top nut-free lotion choice in "Bundle Up, Winter is here! The Allergy Free Wife's Favorite Nut-Free, Gluten-Free Lotions" -- so cool! Find the article here:
. - Just the Goods was mentioned as a great source for lotions in a post made some time in 2016 at titled "If You Own Any ‘Body Shop’ Cosmetics, You May Want to Stop Using Them Immediately". Find it here:
. - Tessa Vanderhart of Winnipeg Sun mentioned Just the Goods in "Your local gift-buying guide: Skip the mall and finish your shopping with these only-in-Manitoba presents" published on December 12, 2015. Awesome! Find it here:
. - Thanks to Carolina for her delightful piece, "Just the Goods" published in Beauté Atelier on December 1, 2015.
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LouLou Magazine featured Just the Goods in its holiday gift guide spotlight on Home Grown Gifts. So cool! Check out the November 2015 issue for details =-)
. - "Just The Goods Vegan Skincare on Etsy" is a comprehensive review posted on November 22, 2016 at Thank you, Jana Free!
- Women's Voices for the Earth mentioned Just the Goods in their "2015 Non-Toxic Holiday Shopping Guide: Gifts for Her" published November 10, 2015:
. - Big thanks to Victoria Pereria for taking an interest in Just the Goods for her piece titled The Raw Revolution, which was published in the October 8, 2015 edition of the University of Winnipeg's, The Uniter.
. - "Connecting the Dots Between a Healthy Body, Healthy Body Image & a Healthy Planet" by Milena Lye of Just the Goods for Women's Voices for the Earth published September 28, 2015. Find it here:
. - Jodie Layne gave a lovely shout out to Just the Goods in a piece for Bustle on September 6, 2015 titled, "9 Best Places to Shop Natural Beauty Products, Because Green Beauty Doesn't Have to be Impossible Anymore". So cool! Thank you! Check it out here:
. - Katie Schmidt posted an article on her blog, Whole Nourishment, called "Clean Skincare 101" and offered links to her favorite products, including Just the Goods. So cool! Find it here: (August 7, 2015)
- Jennifer Rivera-Bell gave a shout out to Just the Goods's toothpaste in her list of Friday Favorites featured as part of her blog, Why Choose Vegan on Friday, July 31, 2015. Find it here:
. - Stefanie G. Cassel of kindly included Just the Goods' roll-on deodorant as part of her Summer Loves from Etsy roundup posted on July 13, 2015. Check it out: And guess what? JTG's Spicy nights perfume is also posted on her EVOLSTYLE fave list! wow! So cool! Find that link here:
. - Wendy Higgins mentions Just the Goods while addressing #BeCrueltyFree's efforts to bring forward The Cruelty-Free Cosmetics Act in "Cosmetic Animal Testing May Be Elimiated from Another Country" published in The Dodo on June 22, 2015
. - Fullbellyja of shared a glowing summary of why she chose to try Just the Goods in her recent post titled "Just the Goods" published on June 11, 2015 located here:
. - What a kind shout out from on April 9, 2015. Check it out here:
. - Kirsten Mitchell, a contributor to Sexy Fit Vegan, shared her positive experience with Just the Goods as part of a post on April 18, 2015, called "Buying Cruelty Free Made Easy", which shared information about an app called Cruelty-Cutter, in support of Beagle Freedom Project. To read Kirsten's thoughts about Just the Goods, and to learn more about Cruelty-Cutter, click here:
- Gemma of A Cruelty Free Life has tried a number of Just the Goods products from toothpaste and lip balm to facial care and home spa, and has covered her impression in detail over the course of various posts between November 20, 2014 - April 20, 2015. Visit this link to read more:
. - I loved speaking with Jacob Serebrin about what motivates me to do what I do. Check out "It's not about the packaging for vegan beauty products maker" in the Small Business Section of The Globe and Mail published on January 20, 2015
- Fabulous vegan blogger MeShell drew together a fantastic collection of vegan gift items perfect for the holidays and, although the list emphasizing creations made in Toronto, she enthusiastically mentioned Just the Goods' wholly unique approach as worth including, despite being made in Winnipeg. Aw, thanks!!! Read more about great gift ideas posted on December 6, 2014 at
. - Kate Harrison mentioned Just the Goods as one of several purveyors of environmentally friendly choices in "Shop Green! Eco-Friendly Cyber Monday Deals From A-Z" published at on November 27, 2014. View the full article here:
- What a delight to discover a shout out from Sunny of Vegan Beauty Review in her November 11, 2014 post, "List of 100% Vegan Beauty Brands". Very cool =-) Thank you!
- MeShell of Toronto vegan travel/food blog, "meshell in your city", mentioned that she brought some Just the Goods bath melts with her to PieBird Birdhouse Cottage to create a relaxing experience. Check out her post published on November 4, 2104:
- Christine of had so many wonderful things to say about the items she ordered and the additional goodies sent to her for review. Check out her review posted on November 8, 2014:
- Emily von Euw of This Rawsome Vegan Life shared kind words about Just the Goods as part of her video "My Vegan Body Care & Beauty Routine" posted on October 30, 2014. Find it here:
- Jess Ehlers of Jess, With a Flourish conducted an interview detailing the origins and values of Just the Goods -- it was published in two parts: find part one here (September 25, 2014), and part two here (September 30, 2014). Check it out =-)
- Shaylee Anne of Cosmetically Curious offers her "Top Body Care Products for Dry, Itchy & Sensitive Skin" on September 16, 2014 and shouts out with great enthusiasm for Just the Goods' hand and body lotion and softening body wash. Read more here:
- Sensational singer/songwriter Emaline Delapaix has started a new blog called HIPVEG that reviews vegan products including food, cosmetics, clothing, skin care, and more. Her supportive coverage of "Just the Goods' Vegan Deodorant" on September 15, 2014 comprises one of her first entries. And, even better this product has made it into her blog's graphic design - wow!
- Stefanie Grant-Cassel shared her thoughts on Just the Goods' hand and body lotion in "Vegan Cuts July Beauty Box Review *Part 3 – Just the Goods, Original Sprout, and Savvy Boheme*" published at EVOLSTYLE: The New Luxury on August 30, 2014. Find all the details here.
- Anouchka of BioBeauBon: Vegan, Sain & Malin received the Vegan Cuts July Beauty Box and enjoyed Just the Goods' citrus blend hand and body lotion. She also thought JTG's site looked great, too =-) Thanks!
Her post made on August 19, 2014 can be found here:
- Christine for reviewed the July 2014 Vegan Cuts Beauty Box and had fabulous things to say about Just the Goods' hand and body lotion on August 9, 2014. Find it here:
- Sunny Subramanian of Vegan Beauty Review co-curated the July Vegan Cuts Beauty Box and, on August 6, 2014, she shared her personal thoughts about each of the items included including Just the Goods' hand and body lotion. Check it out here:
- Jess Ehlers of Jess, With a Flourish mentioned Just the Goods in her post “Organic Face care & Makeup” on August 6, 2014. Find the round-up here:
. - On July 30, 2014, Marina Colerato gave a shout out to Just the Goods' eye makeup remover on Modefica. Visit the post titled "Demaquilante-e-mesmo-necessário-just-the-goods":
.. - Sara Deschamps of The Compassionate Glutton discussed her experience with JTG’s facial care line for acne prone skin in “Breakouts are so 10 years ago” on July 30, 2014. View the complete post here:
. - Shaylee Anne of Cosmetically Curious received her “Vegan Cuts Beauty Box July 2014″ and reviewed each item on July 29, 2014. She had lovely things to say about JTG’s hand and body lotion. Read more here:
. - Andrea reviewed a range of products in an article titled “(not) TEST(ed on animals): Vegane Kosmetik von “just the goods” aus Kanada” at on June 16, 2014. It is in German, but easily translated with various free services online. Please find the original article right here…
- Nicole of Vegarawatarian tried Just the Goods’ facial care products for acne prone skin and was very pleased. Read more here in “Product Review: Just the Goods” published on June 5, 2014. Check it out!.
- Cindy Young of One Part Sunshine mentioned Just the Goods as one of "10 Non-Toxic Men's Colognes for a Green Father's Day" on June 3, 2014
- Just the Goods' vegan nut-free lip scrub was pictured in a feature about cool, indie markets across Canada as part of discussion about Winnipeg Makers & Market on page 26 of the June 2014 issue of Chatelaine.
. - Stephanie of Une Fox had lovely things to share about “Just The Goods Facial Moisturizer” on May 23, 2014. Read more!
. - Alexa Zimmerman compiled a great list of "Toothpastes that are Not Tested on Animals" for Elephant in the Room on May 19, 2014. Find the list, including Just the Goods, here:
. - Mindy Benkert mentioned Just the Goods as one of “3 Soothing Paraben Free Acne Toners for Those Pesky Skin Breakouts” at on April 30, 2014. Find the article here.
. - Emily von Euw, the spirited creative force behind This Rawesome Vegan Life, reviewed a few Just the Goods items on April 22, 2014 and had so many lovely things to say. Thank you!! I’m still blushin’ =-) Check it out here!
. - On April 22, 2014 — Earth Day — Breakfast Television Winnipeg invited me to make a detox face mask with co-host Courtney Ketchen as a preview for the DIY spa facial workshop that will take place at Generation Green at the Forks on Thursday, April 24. You’re most welcome to watch the full segment here.
- Friday, April 11 at 8:00 a.m., I enjoyed the opportunity to chat with Mary Jane Eason and Sagan Morrow, co-hosts of CKUW 95.9‘s Wooden Spoons. The first portion of the program is is devoted to guests and the second half to topics of nutrition, food, and recipes. Mary Jane and Sagan focus on health and well being in all its aspects with an eco-justice and environmental approach. Find an archived file of the discussion right here.
. - In an interview conducted by Cristina Rose of Violet Woods, Emily von Euw of This Rawesome Vegan Life kindly mentions Just the Goods as being among her favourite body products. Aw, thank you!! See the post from April 1, 2014 right here.
. - Josh and Vanessa of put Just the Goods’ toothpaste in the ring with three other eco brands on March 19, 2014 and the results are wonderful! Click here to watch.
= - Josh and Andrea of like Just the Goods’ Vegan Herbal Spa… they really, really do!
. - Jodie Layne shares enthusiasm about Point Douglas is for Lovers: A North End Craft Sale in The Rooster on Wednesday, January 29, 2014. Thanks for the shout out!!
. - Anastasia Chipelski of The Manitoban has compiled a list of her favourite local makers, and Just the Goods is included. So cool!! Check out “Local makers: 5 makers who made my life better” published on January 6, 2014:
- Katie of Switzerland-based blog, Whole Nourishment asked if I would like to be profiled and I must say that the pleasure was all mine! Katie asked a great range of questions, and I truly enjoyed the opportunity to reply. If you’d like to read about what inspires me to make Just the Goods, please click here: The interview was published on January 5, 2014.
Feetgroundsolid mentions Just the Good’s lavender lip balm in a post titled “December Vegan Box of Wonderfulness!” on January 4, 2014. Yay! Read more here.
- Thanks for the shout out in "Blow their minds this season with Forks Finds " as posted here on December 02, 2013:
. -
Volt Cafe by Volt Magazine has included Just the Goods in its Men’s November Grooming Beauty Cards released on November 28, 2013. Find fabulous shout outs here: and here:
. - Raw vegan chef, Susan Powers of has so many lovely things to say about Just the Goods on November 26, 2013 while sharing news about the giveaway we’re hosting. Find out more!
- Dila of PS by Dila shared JTG’s eye makeup remover as part of “Found on Etsy // beauty products” on October 24, 2013. Check it out here.
. - Jesica Williams of Run on Organic (now known as was very pleased with her experience using Just the Goods. Read her September 19, 2013 review here (updated to
. - Aurora Mirabella shared her interest with a post titled “Just the Goods!” in Looking for a Hammock on June 5, 2013. Click here for details.
- Mark Rosenberg, M.D. mentions Just the Goods as one of several healthier brands in "For Men Only: The Link Between Your Cologne and Your Low Sperm Count" published at on April 29, 2013. Find out more here.
. - Jodie Layne mentions choosing Just the Goods as one of “3 Super-easy, Local Ways to Make Every Day Earth Day” in The Rooster on April 22, 2013. So cool! Check it out!
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The Gerson Institute is a non-profit organization in San Diego, California, dedicated to providing education and training in the Gerson Therapy, an alternative, non-toxic treatment for cancer and other chronic degenerative diseases. Module I of its Practitioner Training document recommends Just the Goods’ toothpaste as one of three safe options. This document was published in 2013 (exact date unknown).
. - Jodie Layne of is has featured Just the Goods in her list of fantastic gifts for vegans and vegetarians on December 10, 2012. Read all of Un-Cruel Yuel right here!
. - Daphne of GreyLashes is making me blush by noting JTG’s body butter as one of her local lust items on November 15, 2012. Thank you!! Find the whole blog entry here =-)
. - Shannon of relays her experience switching to Just the Goods’ facial skin care products in “Natural Canadian Products for Hypersensitive Skin” on November 13, 2012. Click here for the full story.
. - Kami of VeganFashionBlog was impressed with Just the Goods in every way from intelligible ingredient listings to elegant packaging as per her review published November 12, 2012. Read all about it here.
. - Chef Susan Powers of Rawmazing has so many wonderful things to share on November 5, 2012 about her experience using Just the Goods! I’m thrilled to partner with her, and I’m so grateful for her enthusiasm! Pardon my typos ;-) ha ha!
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Generation Green shares news about the range of facial skin care products they’ll be featuring — beginning with Just the Goods — on September 24 2012. Click here for the full post.
. - Just the Goods was mentioned in Jodie Layne and Jamil Mahmood’s column, No-Bull Veganism in Uptown Magazine on September 20, 2012. Check it out right here.
. - Just the Goods was included in an article about bath products titled “Bomb Your Bath Organically” by Holly Kulp of Healing Lifestyles & Spa on June 25, 2012.
. - On June 21, 2012, Just the Goods was featured on Kelly Bik Photography.Kelly is an accomplished wedding photographer in Winnipeg with a truly gorgeous portfolio. This feature, which included a product giveaway, was created as part of her series sharing details about her favourite things, and the various people involved in producing them. Find out more here.
- Just the Goods’ moisturizer appears as item number 5 on a global top 10 list of products for soft and safe skin on a website called Top Ten World in May 2012. Find the complete list right here.
- A.K. Streeter features Just the Goods as one of “10 Paraben-Free Skin Care Products For Soft, Safe Skin” at on March 26. 2012. Read more!.
- Just the Goods has been included in Chickpea Magazine’s Winter 2011 Product Guide! What a pleasure to be featured in such a gorgeous publication packed full of delightful and delicious things!
- Just the Goods was featured as one of 10 Canadian artisans in’s holiday gift guide compiled by Constance Droganes on Friday, December 9, 2011. Click on the image below to view a screen capture, or click here for a direct link.
- Just the Goods was featured on the WEST: Winnipeg Etsy Street Team Blog on December 9, 2011. For an interview conducted by Susanna of LemonDear, please click here.
- Just the Goods is honoured to be declared a Champion by the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics on November 30, 2011! Over 1500 companies signed the compact between 2004 – 2011, but Just the Goods is one of only 20% that made good on that commitment. Read more here and download the full report, titled Market Shift, here.
- Just the Goods is delighted to be featured in Style Manitoba’s Winter 2011 Holiday Gift Guide! This is an absolute pleasure and I’d like to wholeheartedly thank Style‘s fantastic team for seeking me out and offering to share JTG in this way! Check them out online, right here. The following images were captured from their online edition, which you can also view right here.
- Just the Goods received extended coverage in Handmade in Manitoba on November 15, 2011. To read the full blog entry, please click here.
- Just the Goods was a featured guest on Winnipeg’s Breakfast Television on September 14, 2011. In this video clip, Milena of Just the Goods and Pay Chen demonstrate how to make JTG’s new invigorating foot scrub. Here are some photos, too!
Erisgrrrl is happy JTG is now available at Mondragon, August 8, 2011. To check out the complete blog entry, please click here.
- The Environmental Health Association of Nova Scotia includes Just the Goods’ vegan toothpaste in its Guide to Less Toxic Products. JTG would love to confirm that our toothpaste contains no sodium fluoride, artificial sweeteners, dyes, detergents or triclosan =-). Spring 2011.
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Pinky and Bunny express enthusiasm for the aromatherapeutic perfume oil I made just for them, February 14, 2011. To read the full blog entry, please click here.
. - notes Just the Goods as a trusted natural company. 2011.
. - Cerrer, Kathleen, “A healthy alternative to feel beautiful” in The Uniter, November 25, 2010. Please find the full article here..
- “Just The Goods” (and None of the Bads)” in Your Daily Jewels, November 21, 2010.To read the full article, please click here.
- Jeannie Miernik of Magic Nutshell gave a great shout out to Just the Goods in "SMOKin' Hot Scents for Men or Women" posted on September 13, 2010. Check it out here:
. - “Tell me something good(s)!” in Winnipeg Eco Craft Collective, Friday August 20, 2010. Find the full article here.
. - Dr Jaspreet Mundeir of Surat Naturopathic (Pleasant Hill, California) recommends Just the Goods Vegan Whipped Body Butter – Unscented as part of a comprehensive for her patients/clients. July 23 2012. View the complete list here.
. - “Just the Goods” in Artesia, Wednesday, June 16, 2010. To read the full article, please click here.
- “Handmade in Manitoba’s 2009 Top 10″ in Handmade in Manitoba, Monday February 8, 2010. Please click here for the article.
. - “Just The Goods” in Handmade in Manitoba, Thursday, January 21, 2010. Find the full text here.
. - “Natural Shaving Products for Men” in, December 16, 2009. To read the full review, please click here.
. - “Review of Just the Goods Shaving Soap” in, December 10, 2009. To read the full review, please click here.
. - Ashely Leslie of The Vegan Peach kindly features Just the Goods as an independent cruelty free brand (date unknown) Visit the complete list here.
. - Anda Bailey shared the details of her recent addiction to handmade botanical bath salts and gave a shout-out to Just the Goods in a post titled "9 luxurious bath salts on etsy that will have your body thank you... ". Take a look at this link at (Date unknown).
- “Handmade in Manitoba’s 2009 Top 10″ in Handmade in Manitoba, Monday February 8, 2010. Please click here for the article.
. - “Just The Goods” in Handmade in Manitoba, Thursday, January 21, 2010. Find the full text here.
. - “Natural Shaving Products for Men” in, December 16, 2009. To read the full review, please click here.
. - “Review of Just the Goods Shaving Soap” in, December 10, 2009. To read the full review, please click here.
. - Ashely Leslie of The Vegan Peach kindly features Just the Goods as an independent cruelty free brand (date unknown) Visit the complete list here.
. - Anda Bailey shared the details of her recent addiction to handmade botanical bath salts and gave a shout-out to Just the Goods in a post titled "9 luxurious bath salts on etsy that will have your body thank you... ". Take a look at this link at (Date unknown).