Did you know the answers to many Frequenly Asked Questions can be found in Just the Goods' searchable database?
This includes answers to common questions such as:
- product recommendations for all ages
- requests for custom orders and alternate packaging
- how to manage subscriptions / "automated orders"
- shipping destinations and order timelines (i.e. how to order to Europe or the UK)
- Just the Goods' retail partners / wholesale policies
To find out when your order will ship, please refer to Just the Goods' current production and shipping schedule published at the top of every page of this website, or visit:
Please note: I can not provide personalized order status updates because it's faster for everyone if I focus on making and shipping orders. Thank you!
Please ensure your email address is entered correctly when using the form below since I need that to reply. And, please be sure to check your spam folder for replies. Your phone number is not required -- it's a default field I can't seem to delete 😅
Thanks and all best!