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Is Just the Goods organic?

Just the Goods offers two lines.

The first line, Just the Goods, was established in 2009 to provide affordable access to safer and healthier plant-based alternatives to mass produced/warehoused skin/body care products made from petrochemicals. By offering these products at public wholesale prices instead of retail prices, Just the Goods seeks to help folks who avoid petrochemicals and other harmful substances in personal care products when they can’t justify spending a great deal of money on what might feel like a luxury. Just the Goods is currently comprised of 130+ products and uses organic ingredients wherever possible, but otherwise include organics when the price of raw materials are comparable, which happens from time to time depending on supply/demand. Some examples of organics used routinely include: certified organic castile soap in face washes, glycerine in lotions, and cane sugar in body scrubs. The use of organic ingredients are labelled accordingly. To learn more about how Just the Goods products are priced, please visit: https://justthegoods.net/pages/how-are-just-the-goods-products-priced

The second line was launched in 2018 and is called: petal, leaf, root. by Just the Goods. This line currently consists of five facial care items for normal/sensitive skin, with additional products being added as they are developed. In addition to utilizing 100% organic ingredients, this line is also free from artificial preservatives, colours, and/or fragrances, as well as being free from gluten, GMOs, nuts, palm, petrochemicals, and soy. The products in this line are sold at conventional retail rates in order to better facilitate in-store distribution since, over the past 10 years, many people have requested that Just the Goods products be more readily available locally. Of course, the only way to do this is to increase product prices making room for the required profit margins of retailers and distributors. To learn more about petal, leaf, root. by Just the Goods, please visit:  https://justthegoods.net/collections/petal-leaf-root-by-just-the-goods 

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