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Additional questions

Please find below answers to some of the most commonly asked questions:

1. Does Just the Goods make sunscreen?

Just the Goods does not make sunscreen because I don’t have the resources necessary to commission clinical trials to confirm evidence of broad spectrum protection against UVA and UVB rays. And so, even though there are plenty of websites that might help one calculate SPF based on the combination and ratio of ingredients used, it just seems too risky for something so important. I prefer to share Environmental Working Group’s annual sunscreen round up (http://www.ewg.org/sunscreen).

In the case of those insisting on experimenting with DIY formulas, I urge them to consider the following points:

  • Calculating SPF is not simply a matter of adding ingredients to increase protection because factors such as concentration/dilution ratios apply (i.e. 3 - 10 SPF from coconut oil, plus 28 – 50 SPF from raspberry seed oil does not equal 31 - 60 SPF ... and, even if it did, that is a troubling speculative gap).
  • Many oils can cause skin to absorb light faster and thus burn faster so, whatever the SPF ratings of ingredients might be in their own right, those benefits are often negated by the very process of applying those oils to skin.
  • Domestic grade mixing equipment can not guarantee the absolutely even distribution of sun blocking ingredients throughout any given formula necessary to provide uniform, consistent and thus guaranteed protection.
  • Even ingredients with relatively safe ratings such as non-micronized zinc oxide need to be used within recognized guidelines. Wikipedia’s entry about sunscreen demonstrates the range in what is considered allowable according to the health and safety laws of different countries publishing such information.
  • Mineral based sun screens need to be applied more frequently and yes, they will leave a white haze on the skin

For more information, please visit: http://www.ewg.org/enviroblog/2017/06/diy-sunscreen-bad-idea

I am often asked what brand of sunscreen I use. My answer is that I actually don't have a particular sunscreen that I use and can recommend for daily use, not only because formulas change from year to year, and availability can vary by region, but also because I don't tend to use sunscreen daily -- I work long hours and don't spend much time outside, and when I do, I prefer to stick to the shade and/or wear a hat. When I am exposed to the sun, it's usually because I'm in water, and in that case I choose something that is safe for marine life, as well.

Skin care and sun screen formulators have made wonderful strides over the years and --  whereas it was previously quite difficult to find safe sunscreen made without beeswax, or without a white cast -- it's available now!

All in all, my best recommendation is to check EWG's safer sunscreen guide, published each year: http://www.ewg.org/sunscreen/.

Alternatively you can search this website for the range of options currently available from Just the Goods:Click this link to see find the varieties of sunscreen currently offered by Just the Goods.

2. Does Just the Goods make hand sanitizer?

No, Just the Goods does not make hand sanitizer. I realize the Canadian government has loosened some restrictions on who can offer products with a high enough ethanol content to sufficiently protect against viruses, but -- much in the same way that Just the Goods does not make sunscreen or insect repellent -- I feel these products should only be produced and sold if they have undergone rigorous laboratory testing to verify claims that they provide genuine protection.

I realize there many small-scale makers are selling repackaged gel and spray sanitizer (ie. purchased in drums and sold in more convenient sizes with their own branding, sometimes adding essential oils for scent -- be wary of anyone suggesting the antiviral properties of essential oils are strong enough to combat Covid-19 as that is simply not true); however, rather than do the same, I feel it is more responsible on my part to invite folks to explore either pharmaceutical brands using isopropyl alcohol, or registered legal distillers using ethanol. 

3. Does Just the Goods make lightening products for fairer skin?

No. Just the Goods does not make products that perpetuate colourism or any other beauty standard associated with white supremacy.

4. Does Just the Goods make internal genital hygiene products?

Attempting to clean delicate interior and/or exterior genital tissue with any sort of commercial product is not recommended because it can disrupt the natural balance of bacteria necessary for maintaining good health, which could ultimately lead to discomfort, pain, and/or infections. Please read more information about this here:

The only safe way to wash this area of you body is to use water. If you must douche, again, use water only. Or, if you need to douche for medical reasons, consult a doctor and/or naturopath -- For example, a very specific medical douche may be prescribed as part of transition surgery after care. Or, alternatively, a doctor might suggest a mild solution of apple cider vinegar and water to heal an overgrowth of problematic bacteria (i.e. candida albicans, also known as yeast). But please know that commercial ads for store shelf internal washes, sprays, etc. are designed to do one thing, and one thing only: shame people with vaginas into spending money on products they do not need. Take care of yourself and your long term health and simply shower daily using plenty of water.

5. My order froze in my mailbox! Now what?

If you received Just the Goods products in a frozen state, no worries! It is actually only exposure to excessive heat/humidity that runs the risk of damaging items as it can lead to the deterioration of natural plant-based ingredients causing rancidity and/or mould growth. If a product reaches you in a frozen state, simply allow it to rest at room temperature then shake well before using. I advise highly against accelerating the thawing process by putting bottles and/or jars into hot water or a microwave as this can disrupt not only the ingredients, but the consistency/binding of the product.

6. My body/foot butter melted in my mailbox! Now what?

It's actually to be expected that natural body and/or foot butter made with shea butter and/or cocoa butter will melt if shipped in the heat of summer =-) The same is true for the bath melts because, in both cases, Just the Goods doesn't use any synthetic heat-proof emulsifying agents. Since cocoa butter and shea butter are very resilient carrier oils that are capable of melting and solidifying multiple times without harming their composition, melted body/foot butter isn't damaged. Please allow closed jars to rest in your fridge for an hour or so, and the butter will congeal back into a balm form. Yes, the texture will different because there won't be as many air bubbles trapped in the product from the whipping process, but the product itself is still completely fresh and usable and will work in exactly the same way :)

7. I ordered multiple jars of body/foot butter and some look more full than others. Why? 

Just the Goods whipped body/foot butter is packed by weight, not volume, so jars containing the batches that turn out more fluffy tend to look as if they are more full than jars containing batches that don’t have as much air whipped into them. A number of factors determine how much air whips into a batch including: how long a batch rests in the freezer, temperature when whipping starts, how long the batch is whipped after the freezing process, or even how cold a batch was when it was packed into the jar and was sealed. These are issue that can be controlled in a mechanized/automated factory setting, but since handmade products involve human interaction, small differences from batch to batch can and do happen. The density, quantity and type of essential oils used in each recipe can also contribute differences between batches.

Please also note that jars are filled by hand using a spatula so each jar may look different when packed -- some will be filled closer to the bottom, some will be filled closer to the top. When I'm filling jars, the goal is to work quickly and to put the same weight of product into each jar. If a jar is packed slightly over 65g (i.e.1 - 3g) I won't scoop product out to create a uniform jar; however, if a jar is packed considerably more (3 - 10 g), I will adjust as necessary to make sure the amount of product packed is closer to 65 g.

TL;DR: All jars do contain the same weight of product... the only difference is that some jars may contain fewer microscopic air bubbles. Jars are packed by hand and each may appear different. 

8. Your face wash is thin! How can I pour it out of the bottle without spilling?

Just the Goods is about using the least amount of ingredients to achieve a clean, effective formula -- "just the goods", and nothing extra. Adding emulsifiers, even plant based ones, increases cost (raw materials + labour) as well as potential allergens or toxicity (i.e. xanthan gum is made from corn, emulsifiers made from seaweed can contain trace amounts of heavy metals).  If you are having trouble tipping the bottle only slightly to pour the desired amount of product into your hands, I offer a range of re-usable bottle tops to maintain a low price point for each product and to reduce landfill waste as those items can not be recycled: https://justthegoods.net/collections/accessories. Some folks like pumps, others like flip tops, but most overwhelmingly prefer to use the products without extra accessories to maintain as low an environmental impact as possible. 

9. Why are bottle accessories sold separately?

A range of re-usable bottle accessories are available to control product flow, and they're offered separately to keep overall product costs down, while also minimizing waste sent to landfill since they can't be recycled. Offering them separately also allows for product customization since different people like different things, including sometimes preferring no pump, spray top, or flip top at all. 

10. Is Just the Goods plastic-free? 

Just the Goods is in the process of transitioning to becoming entirely plastic free. Please find more information about this here: https://justthegoods.net/pages/jtg-is-becoming-plastic-free

11. Which skin care products do you recommend for children / tweens / younger teens?

I generally suggest the best way to teach good skin care habits at a young age is to focus on washing well with water before bedtime, and only applying skin care products when needing to balance something out. For example: removing petroleum-based or waxy sunscreen or colour cosmetics, restoring moisture, or clearing acne.

In recent years, I've received more questions about skin care for children as young as 10 years old. Even if the 10 year old in your life is beginning puberty, it's important to remember that their skin can still be very sensitive, so it's possible that even face wash for sensitive skin *might* be too strong. Therefore, using an alcohol-free toner for normal/sensitive skin as micellar water is a more gentle option to start, then applying the tiniest amount of facial moisturizer for normal/sensitive skin in the areas that feel tight or dry after rinsing with water and/or toner used as micellar water.

Older teens may wish to try JTG's facial care product selection quiz -- https://justthegoods.net/pages/just-the-goods-skin-care-product-selector -- their responses to each question will generate custom results offering both product sample suggestions and routine/technique recommendations to help them get the most out of each product.

More generic routine suggestions, including instructions on how to use toner effectively as micellar water to keep pores clear, can be found here: https://justthegoods.net/pages/tips-for-daily-skin-care