Just the Goods vegan facial scrub for sensitive skin
Just the Goods is thrilled to offer a stand-alone facial scrub for normal/sensitive skin. Organic oats gently lift dead, dull skin cells while kaolin clay draws impurities away from the skin. Use as daily, weekly, or monthly as desired and/or required.
To enhance this product for dry skin, blend a small amount of scrub with rose water in a bowl to desired consistency before applying it to your face. To enhance this product for oily/combination skin or acne prone skin, add lavender water instead.
Not sure if this product is right for you? As recommended in JTG's shop policies, please try a sample before committing to a full size bottle by selecting the smaller packaging option using the drop down menu.
Having trouble choosing the right facial care products? Just the Goods' primary line offers 12 face washes, 4 toners and 4 moisturizers... that means 192 possible combinations of products to help meet your personal needs, before even including facial scrubs! For more information about choosing the right products for your skin type, and how to get the most out of each product, please visit: https://justthegoods.net/pages/just-the-goods-skin-care-product-selector
This product is handcrafted without the use of artificial preservatives and lasts longer when exposure to the elements (i.e. air, humidity, sunlight) is kept to a minimum. Please store in a cool, dark place and keep tightly sealed between uses.
This product is EWG VERIFIED™
vegan facial scrub for sensitive skin / gommage pour visage végétalien pour peaux sensibles: organic avena sativa (oat/farine d'avoine) kernel flour, kaolin clay/argile kaolin
Wet face and hands; apply scrub to face in gentle circular motions avoiding eyes; rinse well, pat dry and moisturize as desired; store in a cool, dark place; use within 12 months
Avec des mains humides, appliquer gommage sur au visage mouillé par mouvements circulaires légers en évitant le contour des yeux; bien rincer; sécher doucement et s'hydrater au besoin; garder à l'abri de la lumière et du chaud; utiliser dans les 12 mois
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- The 25 ml/1 oz glass jar holds 16 g / 0.56 oz of dry scrub
- The 118 ml/4 oz glass jar holds 65 g / 2.29 oz of dry scrub
Critial product care information
This product is made from oat flour and kaolin clay, that means it must be kept dry between uses. Please do not allow water/humidity/steam to enter the jar. For example, please do not scoop into the jar using wet fingers, or use/store this product in the shower, as that will definitely cause mould to form... just like if a freshly baked muffin was stored in the shower, it will absolutely become mouldy.
When kept in a cool, dry place this product can last as long as 12 months (although 6 months is recommended as a precaution). So, please be sure to keep it dry as written in the storage instructions on the jar, and on the product care information card provided with every order of Just the Goods products.
A helpful tip is to use this product at a sink rather than in the shower. Shake the scrub into your hand rather than scooping into it with wet fingers. Alternatively, use a clean, dry spoon. Remember to seal the lid of the jar firmly between uses. Thanks!
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